30. Ruin your night

Start from the beginning

  A few weeks ago I found myself wondering through downtown. Stumbling upon an old antique shop that had one girl working the counter. She was around my age, probably a few years older. Long dirty blonde hair that she has secured in a bun on top of her head. Her smile greeted me warmly when I walked in, giving me a breathless hello. We got to talking for a bit and before long she offered me a job if I was interested and I started the next day. We became friends quickly, forming a bond over our shared love of old jewelry and elegant paintings. It was good to feel as if I had something to wake up for, able to distract myself  from the agony that kept playing in my head.

  My coffee finishes quickly, grabbing a mug and filling it to the top. I bring it up to take a swig, the smell falling into my nose and causing another flood of puke to come up my throat. I manage to make it to the sink. Coughing harshly as the muscles tense harshly in my stomach provoking an unsettling pain. I rinse out the stainless steel, watching as the yellow stomach acid circles the drain.

  It's going to be a long morning.

  I manage to get ready without anymore vomiting fits in the process, thankfully. The weather is nice today, which I know that will make Angel want to keep the front door wide open. With that in mind I decided on a long black maxi dress and flip flops. Something I can move in without breaking out in a sticky sweat. I ready myself to leave, grabbing Noah's car keys off the counter. I check my phone before exiting, seeing it light up with a few texts from my boyfriend.

  Have a good day at work, baby. I'll call you after our set

I smile warmly at the sweet message. He's been a little distant lately, but that was to be expected. He's been busy almost nonstop the last month with breaks coming few and far between. He still calls me every night before bed, as we both give a run down of our day. I haven't told him about what happened with Jasper, I don't know if I ever will. It was hard enough for me to accept. Telling him would make it all too real. Besides, I've managed to bury it deep enough in my brain that I don't think about it. At least not often.

   The drive from the house and my job isn't a long one. It usually only takes 45 minutes on a day that isn't too congested with eager and impatient drivers. Much like today, moving at a slow speed but driving steadily. It didn't take any time before I was parallel parking a block away from the shop. Locking the car and grabbing my bag before I take on the sidewalk. Brushing past herds of people eager to get to the next store and blow their money. I've gotten good at maneuvering through the crowds like a true California native.

   Just as I expected, the door is propped open with a
makeshift doorstop. An old brick that had lost its box like shape, that was painted to resemble a lady bug, props it open. I walk in, being met with the smell of sweet cinnamon and the greatest hits of Nirvana playing lowly. The slightly spicy aroma hits my nose and causes my stomach to turn distastefully. I manage to push back the nauseating feeling, painting my face with a fake smile. I don't know what's come over me, I thought the sickness had subsided.

   "Hey, sweet face" Angel beams when she sees me.

  She gives me her signature wide smile, her curly blonde hair flying freely around her face. She's one of the most ethereal people I've ever met. Delicate and otherworldly like a mythical pixie, always wearing whimsical dresses and accessories. She truly lives up to her name.

  "Hey" I reply back

  "You okay? You look paler than usual" she tried to make light of the situation by cracking a joke. Even though she laughs it off I know she is serious. Her concern painting her face with wide eyes.

   "Yeah. I think I caught the flu or something" I admit causally, dropping my fabric purse on the floor behind the counter.

  "You need to take off today? I'm closing up around 2 anyway so I won't be here alone too long" she offers graciously.

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