"That's disgusting" Hermione mutters.

"The boy goes to St Brutus's. It's a first rate institution for hopeless cases and the girl goes to the all girls school just down the road" Once Vernon's stopped talking Rory looks at Harry and notices the frown on his face at those words.

"Just ignore them" she whispers to him.

"I see and do they use the cane at St Brutus's boy?" Marge continues.

"Oh yes. I've been beaten loads of times" Harry answers as he and Rory both try not to laugh.

"Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not hitting people who deserve it. Still. Mustn't blame yourself for how they turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood. Bad blood will out. What is it that their father did, Petunia?"

"Nothing. That is he didn't work. He was unemployed" Rory starts glaring at her as she answers Marge.

"Oh dear" Molly says as she sees the look on Rory's face.

"Of course and a drunk as well I expect" Rory looks at Harry.

"I am definitely not a drunk" James says looking at the screen pissed.

"That's a lie" He shouts as Marge narrows her eyes at him.

"What did you say?"

"Our dad wasn't a drunk he was a great man and so was our mother they were both worth 10 of you" Rory answers her trying to contain her anger as the glass in Marge's hand explodes causing Petunia and Vernon to panic.

"Who's accidental magic was that?" Alice asks looking between the two. 

"Mine but wasn't accidental" Rory says with a slight smirk.

"You purposely did that?" Lily questions.

"Of course I did. I didn't like what she was saying, a smashed glass was the lower end of what I actually wanted to do to her but I have self control enough not to kill her" Rory shrugs.

"Not to worry Petunia I have a very firm grip"

"I think you two should go to bed now" Vernon says looking at them.

"Quiet, Vernon. It doesn't matter about the father. In the end it comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Harry shouts and as Marge starts to reply a button on her dress sails into the air and the seams start to groan as the threads snap. Everyone's eyes widen as she begins to inflate like a balloon. As she rises, Vernon leaps for her as Ripper growls and fixes his teeth into Uncle Vernon's trousers. Harry, frightened by what he's done, watches as Marge bounce across the ceiling and into the conservatory as Rory tries not to laugh. As Marge starts to float towards the back door Vernon races after her gripping her hand as she floats out of the door and into the garden.

"That was accidental magic and that was Harold's" Rory smirks at her brother.

"Don't worry I've got" Vernon shouts to Marge as she starts to slip from his grip.

"Vernon don't you dare" As she says this she fully slips from his hand and he falls to his knees unable to do anything except watch her float away.

"Go mini Prongs and Prongslet" Sirius cheers as most of the hall smiles at them.

Rory and Harry run up the stairs to their room before the Dursleys come back in. They grab their trunks and wands and make their way to the front door. Vernon is waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He glares at Harry.

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