5 - inconvenience

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the week passed by and it was soon gonna be the final week of deciding your partners- which, honestly, felt like 2 years for hanbin.

the decision making phase was 2 weeks long. time passes slow when you're in school, okay? hanbin wasn't even getting a lot of work to do- except managing the café, which was normal to him.

since it would be the final week, the usual weekly meeting added up into two times a week instead. apparently, wednesday would be used as a step of progress, (hanbin doesn't know what progress, he's just assuming it's to make progress in choosing) and friday would be used to finalize before the form officially closes.

hanbin wasn't thinking much of it. him and his partner nearly got everything they could do written down already, so he doesn't care that much.

...especially when he's staring down a puddle of cappuccino on the floor with his jaw open.

"oh my god!" he panicked, quickly taking a piece of cloth and running it below the sink. afterwards, he motioned himself to the puddle and started to clean it. he did so hurriedly, worried about the customer's waiting time.

obviously, the floor wasn't dry afterwards. either way, hanbin continued to work, crossing over the wet floor to make another cup of cappuccino. yes, he may have nearly slipped at least 4 times and made everything worse, but it was okay since he made that cup of cappucino with his entire heart.

he closed the cup with the lid, rushing to the counter and hitting the bell.

"um, order 167!" he yelled, finding himself trying to calm his breath. it wasn't physically exhausting, but it definitely was mentally.

as he watched the customer walk over, he was making up a random script with key points in his mind to apologize- yes, hanbin did spill his drinks before, but it was a rare occurrence.

as always, the order went off well and the customer understood. hanbin was thanking the fact that customer service actually worked for once.

he returned back to waiting for a customer, nervously tapping his feet to the music playing in the background. he was in control of the music, so he liked every single song playing.

it would be 30 minute 'til his coworker came over. originally, the café was only managed by his family- hanbin would take over when his mother and sister was gone or needed assistance. this time, it was because hanbin started getting a little busier since his role in the student council, same for his sister who had to focus on her studies.

therefore, there was a part timer who would work on those specific days and hours.

after those 30 minutes passed of taking orders, he was able to relax. his coworker walked into the cafe, making him sigh in relief.

"hi hanbin! i arrived just on time, right?" junhyeon said after he opened the door, smiling widely.

"oh, hi junhyeon! you did!" hanbin spoke back, taking his time to check on the equipment to ensure that nothing was broken again. he also checked the location of the previous cappucino puddle, not wanting to leave evidence of the spillage.

junhyeon walked into the counter with hanbin, taking up an apron and putting it on. "how has the day been? has it been dreadfully lonely today or dreadfully overwhelming?" he asked.

"it hasn't been either of those.. it's just a normal day. i am tired though, i need to do my homework soon."

"oh, homework?" junhyeon talked, making hanbin turn to him for what he'd say. "just don't go to school! see? it's easy to find a solution."

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