4 - friend panic

685 38 214

a mark, object, or figure formed by two short intersecting lines or pieces (+ or ×).


"looking great, zhang hao!" the director yelled, multiple cameras flashing in front of him.

zhang hao sat on a wooden stall surrounded by the lights- there's a reason why he sometimes wore glasses, and this was probably one of them.

he held up the small blush palette near his jaw, gesturing his face slightly to the side. he continued to make eye contact with the lens of the camera; making sure that his gaze was apparent.

"maybe it's best you smile a bit?" one of the staff advised, making zhang hao nod and quickly plaster a small smile upon his face. he wasn't really used to smiling in his photoshoots, but he didn't mind at all.

it was six in the morning, and he was about an hour into the photoshoot.

yes, it's true that zhang hao was used to morning schedules- hell, he can even start his work before four with no issue, because that's just how common it is for him.

but. BUT. there was something wrong about this specific day.

zhang hao didn't get enough sleep. he'd usually try to aim for a normal sleeping period, but he slept late last night. it's not a big deal to some people, but it is to him.

he can't decide if it was because of his worry regarding his visit in korea, his language skills (which he's usually confident at, but also kinda scared), or because of his upcoming schedule.

whatever, it wasn't the time and place for zhang hao to worry. he was literally about to film a commercial, so he couldn't just worry about some small and troublesome things..

after a few minutes of the cameras flashing, the yelling of the director, and the movement of his wooden stall and body- he was able to stand up.

it was time for the final part of his morning schedule- the commercial filming.


an hour passed by and zhang hao found himself on his way out of the building, latching onto his bag and phone. it was already past seven.

he wanted to get to his hotel immediately, so he quickly ordered up a taxi for himself. he stood outside awkwardly, unable to find a bench or chair nearby to rest. as he spent time waiting for the taxi to come his way, zhang hao decided to check for his schedule.

the taxi eventually pulled over. zhang hao quickly scanned through the car plate and confirmed that it was, in fact, his assigned taxi. he opened the door and pushed himself in. not wanting to start a proper conversation, he'd nod or shake his head to whatever the driver said.

they were headed to the hotel. it was an hour away, so he was ready to just relax the whole time period.

he leaned on the neck rest, staring outside the window. he felt himself turning sleepier by each passing second.

he didn't want to sleep nearby someone else- not even his taxi driver. he's zhang hao, what if they try to kidnap him or something? cmon, he still has his makeup on.

due to that, he tried to entertain himself by plugging in his earphones. he adjusted the volume and continued to stare out the window. it made the ride much more entertaining.


"how do you feel about today, hanbin-hyung? we're going to meet our partners again today!" gyuvin asked, smiling to hanbin as they walked through the hallways of the school.

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