Chapter 03

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Random question; Who has a higher battle IQ, Tanjiro or Deku(Izuku)? 🤔

I just find Deku to have the higher IQ in both directions (mentally and physically) but I would also like to know your thoughts and reasons!

It's funny how I'm currently thinking that Tanjiro can adapt to battle very quickly so I'm currently doubtful.

"Tanjiro, what's wrong?"

Zenitsu worriedly grasped his shoulder in wonder. Tanjiro blinked before he turned to give out a gentle smile.

"Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to worry you both!"

Inosuke huffed as he grumbled saying he wasn't worried at all.

"And I want to ask... why was that box with you?"

Tanjiro turned to Zenitsu at that question. He wondered if he had seen Nezuko near it but then shut his mouth. If he knew, he wouldn't be this quiet about it and not let him know...

And the scent that Zenitsu is currently giving off... He wondered what exactly happened to make him appear more composed.


"Monichi! Fight me!"

"For the last time... That isn't my name!"

Tanjiro clasped his mouth shut once again to see his chaotic friends in their heated argument like they always did. He might've been thinking too much about it.

Currently, he should talk to them about the encounter he had with the demon and his suspicions that he might've been involved with his current situation. Now that he thought about it...

"Why are you both here and look so tattered up?"

The two stopped from strangling each other, turning at his words one looked sheeple while the other huffed proudly.

"Ah... well..."

"A demon was flying! So I decided to ride it! GAHAHA!"


Inosuke placed his fists on his hips as he raised his chin high, laughing proudly. Zenitsu stood beside him grumbling about his being a hotheaded boar with no brains.

Tanjiro nodded thoughtfully making Zenitsu facepalm and sigh in defeat at the two country bumpkins.

"We were out training with the Hashiras but unknowingly he ran off somewhere and thought it was suspicious based on my hearing. Then suddenly some strange blackish ink puddle which sounded suspicious grew in size turning into a pond then bigger which this wild boar..."

Zenitsu turned a side glare to the boar head who was still laughing wildly then halted, picking up his fallen acorns.

"...appeared out of nowhere and decided to jump towards it sucking him up and gut way bigger as it took me in with force..."


"Yeah! I mean like there was suddenly a huge pressure that made me feel weak as I fell to the ground flat on my face! And then some strange feeling, it felt like someone was pulling me towards that icky ink! Like it was gross you know! Disgusting! But then before I felt out of control, something sparkled so brightly making me blind! It was horrible you know Tanjiro! And what was worse is that I saw you unconscious and was carried by a horrifying metal-like head on a human body! Scary, scary, scary!"

Staring at his panicking stage, Tanjiro doubted himself even more. Has his scent of smell gone dull? And now that he is saying all this, did that strange scent that whiffed to my nose previously perhaps the one that carried me?

He felt himself pulled funding Inosuke looking at him without his boar's head hiding. His beautiful and delicate face came into plane view which he doesn't often show except when they went in disguise under Mr. Uzui's orders.

"Lord Inosuke saved you from that demon! Worship me!"

"You're really amazing! Thank you so much, you saved me!"

Inosuke nodded thoughtfully and went into a daze, making Zenitsu stop his tantrum and scowle harshly in his direction. Tanjiro smiled softly and then wondered what to do.

"As I was saved, have you both perhaps seen Nezuko anywhere near me?"


Zenitsu turned away from Inosuke who was soaked in happiness and stared at Tanjiro blankly.

"Nezuko?! What did you do!?! You lost her in this big and horrifying place?!!"

He screeched, shaking Tanjiro in full of emotions. There was so much emotion in his scream that made Tanjiro nearly faint.

"W-wait... please..."

"Huh?! Oh! Tanjiro! I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Zenitsu snapped out of his dilemma and quickly shifted into a gentle posture, glancing towards Tanjiro's leg. Tanjiro glanced at his leg curiously and then realized he was previously battling with the demon while his leg was broken.

This realization made him suddenly feel a spark go through all parts of his body as he groaned in pain. Zenitsu panicked at the noise that came from Tanjiro and spoke.

"You are still injured from that battle with Upper 4 so I was wondering where you went with that injury but it looks like you just noticed now..."

"Stupid Kentro. Doesn't know how to care for himself..."

Inosuke silently poured at his spot, glaring at where Tanjiro and Zenitsu were sitting and chatting with each other about where they were and what to do.

'So confusing...'

He glanced at the bunch of trash that was near him and the drabs that looked like they had been destroyed by some kind of natural disaster.

'It doesn't look like one though...'

Inosuke blinked as he scanned the area and clues but then got tired of thinking, yawning then laying down to take a nap.

"I'm hungry..."

His quiet murmur wasn't heard as he slowly shifted to his sleep. Black silhouettes started appearing at the corners of the run-down buildings. Without the messed up trio knowing, something was brewing their fate just for them.



Author's Note;
Funny thing!
I didn't know until I checked Chapter 130 (Volume 15) randomly just in case just to find Tanjiro still with a cast on his left leg. How stupid of me 💀 So you might see some things that I will edit a bit in the 1st chapter or maybe not...

Hope you enjoy it!
The chapters might be short since I'm busy with the finals, but once I get to finish them hopefully I write more for each chapter!

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