Chapter 02

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She was confused. She's really confused and is currently wondering where she is at. She kept her eyes open and blankly thought about the people who had "kidnapped" her from her dear brother and she didn't like it. She pouted in anger but then stayed silent, watching her current surroundings.

Nezuko Kamado is now sitting on a strange yet solid cold seat. She feels very uncomfortable, unable to tell apart what is going on as she scans the "humans" who also appear to be a demon.


She didn't like it. She didn't like going to unknown places with unknown beings with her brother. A man approached her with a small book(?) in his hand. She raised her head to seize his appearance to find out he was just an ordinary human and hopefully without any surprises coming from him.

She still felt shaken at the tall human with his half-face covered who rapped her in strings that were too strong for her current body. Although the shade of blonde hair reminded her of the nice people her brother hung around with, she shouldn't have felt tempted to approach him after unsuccessfully finding her brother.


She looked up to find another person who was now kneeling in front of her with a concerned look making her narrow her eyes and back up a little. He had the same shade of blonde as the man who took her here but with a dark shade and was so skinny you would consider him to be a skeleton.

Seeing him so haggard as if he hadn't eaten in months, she slowly approached him, blinking her eyes in concern. A figure slowly formed now making her see her dear father as that man. She hurried off the seat and hugged him tightly making the man let out a sound of surprise.

She couldn't help but let out a big smile, her fangs showing off, putting the man behind them in deep thought. The man, with whom Nezuko is in his arms now, gently stroked her hair as he looked up at the man who was scribbling down in his small notebook thoughtfully.

"Tsukauchi. Where exactly did Best Jeanist find this little girl? And when?"

Naomasa Tsukauchi, a detective, looked up from his notebook, raised his head, then looked down on the haggard man who was now seated as the little girl was holding onto him and hummed happily.

"It was right before One for All showed up. We just took her in here while you were in the hospital."

Yagi Toshinori, a former No.1 Pro Hero, All Might, stared at him in surprise.

"And she hadn't made a single noise and movement?"

Naomasa nodded grimly. He couldn't help but frown at her now moody state as she pulled Toshinori's attention to herself and made small noises like "pat me" or "play." Thankfully he was the soft type so he played along with the little girl who was giggling excitedly.

"It appears for her to be responsive when you appear in front of her... How about you help me with talking to her?"

He gave out a small smile to his best friend, making him nod in return.

"Since the kids are now settling into the dorm area... I guess I can be useful with this..."

He smiled sadly as he stared at the distance then got up with the girl who suddenly got off and raised her arm. Staring at her sparkling eyes in expectation, he chuckled helplessly, holding onto the small hand who began waving their arms back and forth as she hummed.

He couldn't help but glance down guilty and couldn't help but think about All for One's words about his master's grandson's tragedy.


In a dark alleyway with abandoned buildings and shops. A strong scent flew around making a person clamp their nose in discomfort. Currently, the person who is unconscious doesn't like the feeling that he is currently sensing as he hurriedly wakes up in shock.

He turned his head, scanning his surroundings then frowned at the foreign place he discovered himself into. It was desolate and unlike any place, he ended up in due to the demon-slaying mission. He rubbed his aching head, trying to remember the last thing that happened...

'Right! Nezuko!'

He panicked as he got up only to find himself pulled back down to the ground. He turned in surprise to find the familiar boar hide who was dangerously glaring at him.


Inosuke Hashibira huffed in anger as he started pushing acorns onto his face.

"Eat this, Monjiro! Better for you..."

"You idiot! Why are you stuffing all that icky acorn who knows you found it from Tanjiro's face!"

Another familiar screeching voice came from Inosuke's behind as he started tackling him away from Tanjiro who was staring at them blankly. Zenitsu Agatsuma with his signature yellow-orange shade of hair and his yellow kimono with white triangle patterns on it was pulling the bare-chested Inosuke away from him.

He smiled gently at them. He felt it's been a long time since all three were together which he is really happy about. But he is still worried as he turns to find the box he normally carries Nezuko empty.

'Where could she be?'


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