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Jungkook paid the taxi driver after he took out his trolley from the back. He turned to the house which he was seeing after nearly four days. He took a deep breath walking towards the door. His conversation with Sehun played in his mind,

Flashback to nearly the end of event,

"Hey, you are zoning out often"
Sehun's voice flinched Jungkook. He looked at him only to sigh.

"What's wrong?"
Jungkook didn't give a reply.

"What? Missing your boyfriend?"
Still nothing.

"Did you fight or something? Cause you have been frowning from awhile"

"You can say.."

"Serious something?"
Jungkook sighed again.

"Actually.. we had an argument before I came here and.. I just left a note before leaving.. and.."

"You wrote something you shouldn't have?"
Jungkook nodded.

"See, he is your boyfriend, you know him well.. so, I think, you guys will just clear it up"

"I hope so"

"Um whatever, focus on your work now.."
Jungkook hummed.

Flashback ends

Jungkook rang the bell and waited. He rang again getting no reply. It was Saturday, Taehyung didn't have work and even if he did.. it was nearly 10:20pm now, he should be home. Jungkook frowned ringing again.

"The lights are.. on.. mostly"
Jungkook checked. Seeing no other way he looked for the key. He found it in a corner of his pocket and unlocked the house.

The entrance was dark, but ahead the living wasn't,
"He didn't even turn the lights on properly"
Jungkook shook his head while opening his shoes. He put the key in the drawer and stepped into the living room. He was tired, so he didn't properly look till now, but now when he actually stepped there, he froze.

"The.. hell.."
Did he come to wrong house? Cause the place looked like a storm had just went through it. The vases were broken, pillows were thrown on the floor, some water bottles rolling on the floor, the mirror they used to take a short look at themselves while just leaving the house was broken, a small crack on a wall and few more.

Fear ran through his veins, did any robbery happened when he wasn't here? Or was there something bigger? Where was Taehyung?

He ran straight towards upstairs to their room, he took a peek at the study room too finding nothing. He went into their room, not much better position than the living room.. it almost looked like except the photo frame of him and Taehyung on the wall, every single thing was on the floor.

"What is this? Taehyung!"
He called from the room but there was no sound. His heartbeat quickened. He ran down again not before checking if any other room was open or locked from inside.

He came down and looked around, his brain like stopped working as he became anxious. He was about to pull out his phone and call Taehyung when his eyes landed on a room door which he never once from the time he was living there saw unlocked.. Taehyung's mom's room.

He put his phone back into pocket again now taking slow steps towards the room. The room actually wasn't at a place where you would see it casually from the living room, it was pretty much mostly hidden by the stairs.

He stopped infront of the half closed door. Taking another deep breath, he slowly opened it.. it wasn't lighten as well. The first thing he noticed was a curtain covered window just at the opposite wall before his eyes travelled on the other things.

ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 |𝐓𝐊| ✓Where stories live. Discover now