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Jungkook bid Taehyung after he dropped him at his first day at work and went away for his own waiter job as well. He went into the building and in the reception showed a id pass which was sent to him just yesterday. The receptionist saw it and let him go ahead. He felt like a employee all of sudden, a totally new feeling.

Not wasting time, he went straight towards Mr Oh's cabin. He knocked on the grey door, earning a come in he entered.

"Jungkook, come, welcome at work"

"Thank you and good evening sir"

"Yes, good evening.. is that your camera?"
He pointed to the bag Jungkook had on his shoulder. Jungkook nodded taking his favourite camera out. It was his gift from his parents on his 18th birthday and he couldn't be happier. He handed the camera to the other who checked on it.

"This one is expensive and.. good model"

"Yes sir"

"Look, you'll be assisting for now, so you may not need to use your camera right now, but still take care of it well cause we can give you other works too according to your performance"

"I'll keep in mind sir"
He took the camera back and carefully put it in the bag. Meanwhile the elder gave a call to someone. When Jungkook zipped up his bag again, someone entered without knocking,

"Yeah- oh, Jungkook.. nice to see you again"
Jungkook saw Sehun entering. He greeted back.

"First day at work?"


His brother called.


"Jungkook, you'll be his assistant"
They both looked at eachother surprised.

"His assistant?"
Jungkook asked again,
"You have any problem?"

"Um no.."

"And you? You didn't deny this time?"
He asked Sehun who wasn't saying anything just casually standing.

"You always yell at me if I get you any assistant, what happened?"

"Well, he is new here, only I know him except you and I don't think our other photographers need any more assistant right now, so.. I'll just manage"
His brother gave him a eye brow raise not used to these words who just shrugged.

"Jungkook, I think it will be fine then? He is brat sometimes but good at his work, just ask him whatever you want to know or need"
Jungkook nodded.

"You both can leave now"
He dismissed them. Sehun walked out first, Jungkook followed behind him. Sehun first decided to give him a visit of the workplace and also say few things he should know to work there, before they headed to his cabin- more like, his working room.

"And this is where I do my works"
Sehun entered and Jungkook stepped in as well. He looked around to notice the first thing was.. messy room. One wall of the room was full glass which was half hidden by brown curtains for now. Otherwise the room was nearly white gray coloured except the wall just behind the chair where Sehun probably sat and work.. it was wooden.

There were lots of wires here and there along with boxes and files, just in one look he noticed three cameras to be at different places- one on the main table, other two on another side table.

"I know it's messy, no need to gawk like that"
Sehun shrugged before he went and sat down on his seat. Jungkook took his eyes off the room and also stood near the table.

"You have any questions?"

"Where will I work?"

"There's a cabin beside mine, not as spacious as this, but I think you'll be okay"

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