02: Saved

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Katie closed her book and decided to read the rest at home. She was rather intrigued by this strange phenomenon, that occurred two hundred years ago.

She quickly checked the book out and smiled getting her library card from the Martha the senior librarian.

"Oh, the Beast of Montero is one of my favourite reads. Too bad it's just a myth." She sighed as she swiped another person's book out for checking.

Katie pulled her puffer coat closer and wrapped her big long red scarf snuggly against her. It was a chilly autumn night. She made her way down the empty dim lit street. Her bus stop was two blocks away from the library zone.

It was way past 10:30 pm and Katie prayed that her loud neighbour next door, had finished with his 'happy hour'. It annoyed her that she constantly had to put her headphones on to die down his strange noises, when he growled out like that.

Suddenly a fast car came rushing down the street. It was a black van. It swerved across the corner and a hand came out from the window, holding something, dangerous.






The van quickly took off again, leaving a sudden body to drop on the floor, outside a closed coffee shop.

I quickly raced towards the man in a dark suit.

"MR!" I screamed as he lay flat down on the sidewalk. I crouched down, and slowly pulled him on to his back.

"Oh, my god!" My voice trembled as I saw blood pooling out from his chest. I unwrapped my red scarf and placed it upon his chest to press down on his wound. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialled the emergency hotline.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Help!!! Someone jjj..Just got shot and I'm w-―"

Suddenly the line went dead.

My phone had the worst time to die out on me.

"No, no, no!!!" I cried out, with my eyes brimming with tears.

The guy was coughing out blood and his green eyes suddenly rolled back, after trying to look up at me.

"Oh no stay with me buddy. Ee..Everything is going to be ok!"

No it wasn't.

I could feel his life slipping away.

He was not going to be ok!

Not unless, I did something.

I was never, ever allowed to use my powers like this. But this guy was dying, and I knew, I'd never forgive myself if he died when I had the power to do something.

Something forbidden, that Rose would could never find out about.

I ripped off, his wet bloodied white dress shirt with my trembling hands. His blood was not normal, he'd bled out red at first from his wound, then deeply black from his wound shot. I had no idea was going on with his strange colour of blood. All I knew was the fact that I needed to safe his life, before he completely lost his life line. I quickly placed my palm upon his very very cold chest.

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