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THE BEAST OF MONTERO by RainHero21 © 2023


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author.


Montero Valley.

A small town, surrounded by mountains and turquoise looking lakes. It's what most tourists called mini Switzerland. As beautiful as this small town was, it was rather cold.

My adoptive mother Rose got transferred to a new hospital, thanks to her company. She was a senior nurse and usually worked the night shifts.

"So, how was school?" Rose asked going through some bill letters on the kitchen counter. Today was her day off, and we lived in an apartment block with some occasionally loud neighbours.

Oddly. They especially got loud during the full moon nights.

Honestly, I hated the move here. It was the middle of the semester and everyone had their clicks and friends. Mine were all the way out in Miami, enjoying the sun and beach. I hated the fact that I had to break up with my boyfriend John, since we both knew the long distance relationship would not work out.

Even so John and I remained good friends, and occasionally texted each other. See, he was one of my very close friends apart from my adoptive mother who knew about my special powers.

Special powers?

Yeah, I got healing powers that can bring anything living on the verge of death, back to life, three times stronger. I once brought back the class rabbit to life by accident at the age of eight and it went crazy as if I'd given it a sudden 'high'. Everyone freaked out and my real mother had to pull me out of school and drag our selves all the way out to Miami for a fresh start.

No one could know about us. Especially when there were a group of hunters, known as the Silvanos. They were ruthless, they hunted us down like bounty and sold us to the highest bidder that either wanted us for pleasure or dead for our organs.

Unfortunately, my real mother died in a car accident 12 years ago. Rose stepped in, and took charge of me before the authorities could send me of to the foster care system.

My Dad? Well, he left the scene when I was born, so there's really not much to say there.

"Well I didn't get lost today, so that's a plus sign." I answered, earning me a short smile, as she continued on with her paperwork. The school, was like a maze. Luckily the map I received from the reception helped me get by.

There was a sudden thumping sound that rattled through our very thin walls.

'Oh, Mercutio yes...' Moaned a girl.

Here, we go.

I rolled my eyes. There goes that mysterious nymphomaniac neighbour next door again.

"I swear that guy's on Viagra or something."

This is the third time in a row this week, that he's getting in on, and quite frankly it's getting annoying.

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