03. pineapple burgers and broken hearts

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pineapple burgers and broken hearts

pineapple burgers and broken hearts

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PAUL'S HEART WAS brimming with nervous anticipation, as he stepped into the bustling atmosphere of the diner. He had managed to uncover her name —Sadie Martin—and where she worked, the local diner in Forks. He had been hoping for a chance encounter, a moment to capture her attention and maybe even spark a conversation. However, he carried with him the weight of the recent incident, the confrontation between him and Scott that she had witnessed. 

As he scanned the room, his eyes locked onto her straight away, moving gracefully among the table, attending to customers with a captivating smile. Her presence illuminated the space, casting a radiant aura that made it difficult for him to tear his gaze away.

He didn't take his eyes away from her as he sat down with Jared on one of the tables. But the radiant smile on her lips fell when she spotted them. She sighed and started to walk toward their table. His nervousness manifested through the occasional fidgeting of his hands and the subtle tension of his posture. His senses heightened, every detail of her movement etched into his mind as if time itself had slowed to a crawl. 

His first impression on her had been awful and now this was his chance to fix it, he thought to himself.

His palms grew clammy, and he found it increasingly difficult to focus on anything but the sight of Sadie drawing nearer. Sadie walked up to the table and picked up a small notebook and pen from her apron. "Hello, my name is Sadie and I will be your server. What can I get for you two?"

Paul found himself at a loss for words. His gaze locked onto hers, drinking in the sight of her as if seeing her for the first time. Her presence seemed to fill the room, casting a spell over him that left him speechless. 

Jared, noticing Paul's stunned silence, discreetly kicked him under the table, jolting him back to reality. Paul blinked, tearing his gaze away from Sadie's, and cleared his throat awkwardly. It wasn't probably as discreet as Jared intended it to be and the whole table shook at the contact. "Sorry. A leg cramp," Jared lamely explained.

"Uh, hey," he managed to stammer out, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. From the corner of his eye, he could see the amusement in Jared's eyes.

Sadie arched an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "So did you guys have time to look over at the menu or should I come back later?"

"Yes- no. I mean, " Paul blurted out. "What do you like?" As soon as the question left his lips, he regretted knowing how stupid he probably sounded.

Sadie looked between the two of them in slight confusion. "What do I like?" she repeated, not understanding his question.

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