Summer 2019

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It's summer 2019 Sam's finished her BA honours in business management (Marketing), she's busy applying for jobs in motorsports teams, it's been her dream to work within motorsport since she was a young child. When she used to watch with her mum, She did her placement with McLaren FE team, she's hoping that if teams see she's already got some experience it will help her.
Two months have passed since she applied Sam decided to apply at different sport companies away from motorsports to get some experience, then try again. Her best friend Chloe walks in the living room, Sam what are you doing? Nothing just applying for more jobs but away from motorsports, Sam put the laptop away we are going to Italy for the weekend. We are ? Yes Chloe said, how,where why Sam said, you know my dad has just done a new sponsorship deal with a top sports team? Yes well we have tickets for this weekends GP Chloe said, Sam couldn't hide her excitement that she was going to an actual race weekend. Omg Chloe we need to go shopping we need new outfits for every day, they went in to London to do some shopping, they spent the day walking round going in and out of clothes shops trying to find the right outfits, when Sam turns round and says we should travel around Italy after the race weekend for a week or two, what a great idea Sam, Chloe says, we will look at which city's and book it when we get home, so a shopping trip for a few days of new outfits turned in to a shopping trip for even more. Once they got all the clothes they needed they stopped for a coffee and some lunch, an talking about all the city's they could visit listing them on their phones so when they get home they can look them all up. When Sam looks up and see someone she recognises an say to Chloe isn't that Georgie? No Sam that's can't be Georgie he's not in London at the moment. Sam was hoping the top team Chloe's dad had signed a sponsorship deal with was the one George was driving for she had lost touch with him when they left school as they both went off to do there own things, Sam's her A-levels and George his racing. Later that evening they plan where they are going around Italy, after being in Monza for the weekend on the Monday we will travel to Milan then on the Wednesday we will go to Bologna then Florence on the Saturday earth to Sam Chloe said she didn't get an answer from Sam, Sam there is a fire in the kitchen omg what why where, you are listening then? Yes I was just thinking are you sure George isn't in London no I'm pretty sure he's not, but it looked so much like him, well maybe you will see him this weekend and then you can ask him yourself.
Chloe yes Sam did you keep in touch with him when you left school? For a little I did I would bump in to him from time to time if I was out and about then when he made it to F1 I never heard from him.
                             George's POV
I had been shopping in London for some bit for race weekend in Italy, when I walked passed a cafe and I'm sure I saw Sam and Chloe having lunch, but Sam hasn't been in London since we finished school and went to Manchester uni to do her business degree. I wish I had kept in touch with them, they were my best friends always there for me and would watch me race from time to time Sam and I had grown up together since we went to nursery school, then we both just went our own ways when we finished yr11. I always hoped that we would of stayed as close as what we was, but we didn't. Why didn't I go ask if it was them today I really miss not having them around. We used to have so much fun together it was something I missed was the fun we had.

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