12. Bhua's House

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"Won't you try to be a gentleman and help a lady in distress," I say cutely blinking my eyes. OK is all he says and leaves the room after taking his laptop.

He looks behind and says in a sing song manner " Aap jab bulayege tab hum chale aayege." that made me laugh and Simba looked at me with confusion in his cute eyes.


Honestly, I can't breathe, my mouth and throat are burning , and the food is too spicy . I looked at Bhaisa he was drinking water with every bite he took. And is murmuring something probably cursing me that because of me he is in such a situation. In fact he deliberately came late so that we were late for the dinner so that we didn't have to spend much time here.

Then Ruhani walks into the room. " I called Mamisa to inform her that we are having a sleepover." She says enthusiastically looking towards me .

What the fuckty fuck! Oh God do you have some grudge against me or what . Why do you keep on putting me in such situations .

I looked at Bhaisa who had a satisfying smile plastered on his face , he was barely controlling that smile to turn out in a full blown laughter. He is enjoying my misery!

"Serve them some more food , both of them have hardly eaten anything. " says uncle to which both of us politely declined. I would rather starve myself than eat one more bite. But Bhua still served Bhaisa one more chapati and looked at me and said.

"I would have given you more but its not good for you to gain weight that you have lost with so much difficulty. You should keep your weight in check now that you are married otherwise your husband won't love you."

I almost choked on my food . Bile churns up in my stomach., My cheeks turned a shade of crimson because of embarrassment and not because of the spicy food.

I kept my head down , not daring to face anyone. This is the reason I don't want to visit her the second I thought that she spared me tonight by not body shaming me , she again proved me wrong.

This must be the only reason why Rohan left me because i am not thin like the rest of the girls. Maybe he wanted someone whom he could be with without being embarrassed, not someone like me . Tears stung in my eyes trying to make an appearance, but I won't give anyone the pleasure to see me cry. And The thought of spending the night in this house makes my stomach churn .

Bhaisa must have read my mind. "Thank You for the dinner but I think it's time for us to leave It's already late. " I looked at him confused.

Is he taking me with him or leaving me. ?

"Let's go Shivanya " He said to me in a No nonsense tone.

"But I already talked to Mamisa , Shivanya Jija is spending the night with me we have a lot to catch up. " Ruhani says reminding Bhaisa about what she said when she walked in the room .

"Mumma don't know about our plans for tomorrow and I have some important things to sort out for which I need Shivanya. Maybe she can stay some other day." He looked at Ruhani intimidating her in his own way. And it actually worked because all that came our from he mouth was " ok ".

Everyone can sense the tension in the room but no one dared to utter a single word. As we took our leave.

He tried to liten the mood on our way back by saying "I feel like my stomach is on fire."

That was definitely true but I don't feel like talking to anyone not even him.

"Thanks " my voice barely a whisper, I don't think he heard me.

"Sivi that woman is toxic and you know that , so don't let her words get into your head."

"Maybe what she said is right. " I say looking out of the window watching the reflection of stars in the Pichola Lake as we cross the bridge.

"But Shivi

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"But Shivi..." I didn't let him complete the sentence. "Can we please just not talk about this right now!" Thankfully he didn't press the matter more.

The car came to a halt and I got out from it. " Why did we stopped here. "
I say glancing around taking in the night view of the Fethasagar lake and took a deep breath.

"Let's stay here for a while it's been long since we both last spent some time together. " He says cloud of fog coming out from his mouth because of cold.

"Hm" , " What will I say to Mumma, why I came today instead of tomorrow? I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Eyes still on the moon as he says " It's too late everyone must be asleep by now , you can enter from the back door and we can make up something in the morning. "

"Let's go home I am starving, we can make some Snacks ." He says making me laugh out loud.

"Let's go then because I am freezing." I say my teeth clattering.


The second I enter my room a strange scent Musk , that's not strange but my room can't smell like him. He didn't even texted me today, looks like my heart along with my sensory organs in doing a prank on me.

Earlier I was thinking about him.
I am thinking about him all the time.
Now I am literally able to smell in my room. Rudra has never even came to my house let alone my room !

I Am Definitely Loosing My Mind !

I quickly changed into my shorts and an oversized sweater. Simba who was curled up in my bed is now rushing after me as if he don't want to be left behind from the fun.

It's long since we had our last midnight snack , we used to cook something after everyone was asleep more than a few times I could count. And Mumma always used to get angry when she sees the mess we have created in the kitchen the next day . So now we make sure to keep things clean and back to their respective places.

I enter the kitchen, Bhaisa is already their making Maggie, singing something in his not so sweet voice. That made me laugh out loud that I can't even stop myself, my stomach hurts.

"Oh come on , I don't even sing that bad." He says with a pout on his face.

"Too bad! Ahh... I feel like my ears gone numb." I say giggling with my hand on my stomach.



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It's like a booster dose of Motivation 😅


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