Chapter 4

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"So this is the information I have found about them", spoke Fang while looking towards rest of the team

"This is team Mechamato, top police sergeants, they have the rank of no. 1 both of them have their identities hidden for some reasons and are quite powerful", spoke Fang

"Powerful, but I bet not powerful than us, of course, ain't I right BBB", Spoke Gopal

"Gopal, shut up and let us listen to the information properly", spoke BBB

"Huh, how could you I thought you were my best friend", spoke Gopal

"Haiyah, just listen Gopal or you might get in more trouble than often, stop relying on your luck to get out of life death situations", spoke Ying

"Yah, whatever", spoke Gopal as he rolled eyes

"Stop arguing, Fang can you please continue", spoke BBB as he moved his forward and glared at Gopal ( yes Thunderstorm mode on)

"Anyways as I was saying, they work under Maskmana, well the three of them are on same rank but he seems to manage the police station, and do more managing task rather than solving cases

And as per Mechamato, they are 2 people no 1 the one with red and white mask (Mecha) he is also known as M and the other with red and black mask also known as A any information on their real identity is still unknown", spoke Fang

"Well, that's no problem we can get to know their identities easily after all we have a master hacker here to hack into their systems", spoke Gopal

"Hmm.....we can try that afterwards" spoke BBB

"Anyways both of them have different skills first M, it seems like he can easily destroy things" spoke Fang

" Well itis quite powerful but them it becomes a defect if he breaks public property or private items", spoke Yaya

"Well, moving on A, well according to what I have found he seems like someone who has a lot of information about weapons and also there are many reports of him making new weapons or updating them, he is kind of creative as well, he can use almost use any of the junk to make something new", spoke Fang

"Don't you think it's kinda similar to BBB", spoke Ying

"Yeah, you ard right, he is also really good at creating and meaking new items", spoke Yaya

"Come on let's not diverge from the topic", said Bbb in an annoyed tone

"Yeah we should stay in topic only", said Fang

"Now, this person also seems like someone who likes to repair robots as well as weapons", said Fang

"Both men estimated age is around 40", he added

"And both have an experience of around 15 years for working in police", spoke Fang

"So BBB do you want to try to hack their files", said Fang

"Sure, why not, it seems fun", BBB spoke as took out his laptop from the bag which was in his hand, he also turned around his head between front and side (like solar)

"It will take some time so till then why don't you go and do your own work, and leave this to a genius like me", spoke BBB

Others sweatdrop and left to do their own work

After 15 minutes Yaya who was passing the living room came to him

"So, how much of your work is done??", Asked Yaya

"Well I have hacked the stations data and now I am taking out personal information but it seems like secret identities are well hidden, they haven't mentioned them here which means they much be in higher stations data, for which to hack I don't have enough information but I am trying by taking out their phone numbers and checking through them", spoke BBB

"Seems like quite a hassle", spoke Yaya

"Indeed it is, but I love difficult challenges", replied BBB

"Anyway, do you want some cookies", asked Yaya

*BBB started shaking with fear*

"Sorry, Yaya I am quite full at the moment next time", spoke BBB

"Ahh, okay, maybe Gopal can eat some", she spoke as she went to Gopal

'why it's always Gopal', thought BBB *hmm someone is a bit jealous*

"Ohhh", BBB gasped as he checked something amd smirked

Fang who was near him approached him and asked

"Hey what happened",

"Nothing but can you prepare a little something for me", spoke BBB as he adjusted his hat to reveal his white streak (it's Fire persona)



Hi long time no see
Well I was focusing on completing my other book but now since it's completed I am back here
Anyways, Are we brothers special chapter is a bit delayed because I am quite busy for now
But it will be updated soon
And this book is also continued

Signing off

BoBoiBoy Fugitive storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang