"Oh, I'm so nice with handling women, you will forget him in 2 days, after all I'm known to make girls forget any other boy in their lives." He said smirking a little, and now it was the limit of my patience.

"Ok then, if you're not ready to give me time, I decide that I won't waste my time here. It was displeasure to meet you." I said and walked out.

Again an idiot, and it's the last one, I'm not going on any date arranged for me  now onwards.

Thinking so, I went towards my car, where my driver was ready in it.

"Raju, give me the keys, I want to drive myself." I said and forwarded my hand for the keys.

"But ma'am.. You're really angry. Gayatri ma'am and Prem Sir would fire me if I let you drive in this condition." He replied bowing his head down.

God, mom and dad!

"You don't worry, they'll do nothing to you now give me the keys." I said and he handed them to me.

Ugghhh, idiot people!!

Why can't anyone understand how much I was into that relationship. Now it's end of my patience and tolerance.
Enough is enough, no more going on any dates from now on.
Deciding so I continued driving, while occasionally hitting the steering wheel in frustration.


"Mom! Dad! Kriti!" I called out, kind of shouted as soon as I entered home.

"Yes, dear what happened?"
"Are you alright Krisha ?"
"Di, what happened?"

All three of them inquired together.

"Nothing much, just wanted to see all of you." I said, I know the amount of anger inside me and if I talk to them right now, one of them would definitely get a rise in blood pressure.

I was going towards the stairs, when mom decided to interrupt me.

"Krisha dear, how was your date? Did you like him?" She asked me.

Damn! she has to always test my patience.
Fisting my palm to control my anger I turned back.

"Yes, mom, yes, it was Amazing date, it just made me trust myself more about how much asshole the current male population is." I said with all the bubbled up anger in me.

"Language..." Dad warned me but this was the least important thing right now.

"The hell with language, what do you all want from me? That I should leave this house and go forever? Is that why you're desperate in getting ne married? Is it so?" I asked shouting the last part.

"No.. No... It's not like---" Mom started with a little teary eyes, but Kriti interrupted her.

"Di, just calm down. Okay? Please just calm down." She tried to console me, but it just angered me.

"Leave your calm down, today, I want the answers, why is she hell bent on marrying me off.  Huh? Dad? Mom? Am I this big trouble for you all?" I questioned them with tears of frustration leaving my eyes.

"No dear, it's not like that, your mom and I love you, we just want a stable life for you." He said in a consoling voice.

"Yea, Krishu, I never wanted to put you in so much pain. I just wanted a happy future for you dear." Mom said and I was just quite for sometime before saying

"Ok, but since you all promised this is the last time you're sending me on a date. If you continue to do so, remember I'll leave the house and never come back." I said to which all three just nodded their heads like cute scared little adorable kids which made my anger vanish off.

"Oh, come on, now let's have family hug." I said opening my arms walking towards them and then we all had a big family hug.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, without marrying, just calm down and halt your process of matchmaking." I said and gave them forehead kisses each and dispersed towards my room.

I just hope that my mom is able to keep her promise of not sending me on a date.


Hey Readers,

Here goes Chapter 5.

Hope you like it.

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