Cooking time!

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Let's say you make something for her. What does she think? Careful, it's hot!


You wanted to celebrate Marnie's one-month anniversary of becoming a Gym leader, and you did so by learning how to cook

With the help of her brother, you made something to her liking. Turns out she had quite the sweet tooth!

Her reaction to the taste would never leave your heart


She had finished making her secret base, and a celebration was in order! Except there wasn't a lot of money to go around

Together, you brought some ingredients and you cooked a little something for everyone. Despite the massive amount of improvisation, it turned out great!

Plus you got another recipe to add to your repertoire


She was pretty excited when one day during camp you told her you wanted to try out something from your home. You added some Kalosian flare to your usual dish and it turned out to be surprisingly good!

So good in fact, Gloria didn't mind burning her mouth just to get seconds, despite your pleas for her to wait


She invited you over to help her cook a new recipe her mom had given to her. That was the plan, I swear!

The fact that you spent most of the time making out rather than actually cooking was something else entirely. The dish was nice, if you were wondering


You shared a family recipe with her during one of the times she came over to your temporary home. She took two bites and that was about it, when you asked her if it was bad, she said it was more than adequate, but she would rather save some of it for later

You made a bit more for her to take home


Nurse Joy the absolute MVP shared a recipe for cookies with you upon learning you wanted to try expanding your skills

Pretty happy with the result, you saved some for Sabrina and gave them to her between matches. She seemed... grateful

That was normal, what you weren't expecting, however, was for her to show up an hour later asking for more


During one of your trips, it was time to go fishing and prepare something yourself since any restaurant was pretty far

She didn't even know you would fish, but she was quite surprised when she found you already cooking something. Nothing like an improvised picnic by the sea


You wanted to surprise her with a new dish. It was a noble intention...just a shame the kitchen burnt down. You should not have allowed your Pokemon to assist you

The view was much better in the restaurant anyway, you were just grateful she didn't question the sudden change of plans


She taught you how to prepare a few dishes having some experience herself, so of course, your exam was to prepare a meal for her!

No ulterior motives whatsoever

The result was pretty positive. She added a couple of things and showed you how to improve the dish. Before you knew it, you were enjoying the meal together


The time you stayed over while the snow passed, you not only prepared some hot chocolate, but some treats as well. She had to be careful not to eat too many since you couldn't exactly go out to get more ingredients

Granted, she had the coziness and you to distract her. Winning combo!


Mallow spent a week teaching you one of her best dishes, and of course, you shared the results with Lillie, adding a couple of things yourself to make it even better

It came as no surprise that Lillie learned how to do this meal herself so she could eat it during her time away. It was like a tasty reminder of her life in Alola


It all came down to a "loser makes lunch" fight, and she won this time. Granted, she was rather excited because she knew you were a good cook

But of course, her cockiness could get the better of her sometimes, and she went "I should beat you more often" while proudly munching on a treat

Needless to say, you won the next round

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