"Kiri! How could you!" You had your hand on your forehead, dramatically.

You both laughed as your gear regenerated and you shot his target.

This went on for the few minutes. You sniped a few kids. Kiri ended up not getting too many hits and more outs.

You won trigger happy.

By the time you were done, it was around 5:30. You both went out to the prize shop and got some candy, and toys with the tickets you got from the games.

You stored the cardinal and shark plushies in the large tote bag, while the prizes were in a plastic bag.

"This was a lot of fun, thanks!" You smiled at the red head.

"Oh this date isn't done." Kiri smiled as you both walked out.

You both were walking for a while, when you neared his house? He ran inside real quick. He came out holding something, but you both kept walking to a park.

"You gonna explain, or are you just gonna stay silent?" You joked.

"And ruin the surprise, no way!" He chuckled.

He lead you to a park. You rested there and chatted for a while.

Around 6, the sun was setting and you finally got a better look at the object. It was wrapped in a blanket, that kirishima rolled out.

It was a picnic basket. Inside was plates, cups, silverware, and your favorite sweets and foods.

"I may have gotten some help from the girls and sato for the sweets. And tokoyami helped me with the rest." He smiled.

The two of you watched the sun set as you ate.

Before the sun fully set, kirishima started to walk you home.

You felt something brushing on your arms. You looked down to see the feathers. Shit.

"Y/N, are you ok? You look scared." Kiri asked worried.

"I-I'm fine!" You quickly answered.

You walked a little faster. He matched your speed. Before you could make it home he pulled you back.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"I-" you hesitated. You were perfectly fine telling Todoroki, Iida and midoriya, but when it came to kirishima. You weren't sure how he would react. You worried if he would still consider the relationship.

He seemed to be spooked for a second. You felt the feathers appearing on your face and your hands begun to turn into the claws. "I'm sorry, I'll see you at camp!" You hurriedly kissed his cheek and ran inside.

"Woah, feather what's wrong. He didn't do anything did he?!" Keigo scolded.

"No-no! I just need my pills!" You rushed to your room. You took the small pills and the feathers dialed down.

"Did something trigger it?" Keigo walked into your room.

"Not that I can think of..." you tried to think back.

"I'll talk to the comission on ways to make it last longer. If you want to." Keigo looked at you for your response.

"I think that would help." You nodded.

"Alright, I'll give them a call tonight, you try and get some sleep." He left the room and called the commission.

You looked at your phone to see it blown up with a concerned kiri.

-sharkie. 🦈🪨-

🪨: you're sure your alright?!

🪿:yes, I just had a quirk problem. I'm alright.

🪨: a quirk problem?!

🪿: yes just a small one, I'm fine, I'll see you at camp. 😁


You closed your phone and headed to sleep.

You'd have to tell him eventually.

Birds of prey hunt together (hawks sister) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now