Part 1

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When I wake up, I'm greeted by loud shrills of my oppa(older brother) calling me down stairs. 

"Aeri Lee, wake up this instant or you'll be late for school" my brother Riki said. 

Slowly, as I awake I dress up in my uniform and make my way downstairs. My four brothers greet me as I grab a piece of toast and walk out the door with.  

As we walk to school my brother yeonjun leaves to go walk with his girlfriend, leaving the four of us. 

"Are you excited for your first day of highschool and 9th grade?" Yongbok asks me. 

Obviously not  I think. But my brothers probably would kept pestering me about it so I just keep quiet 

Being the youngest, along with my brother riki, in 9th grade, jaeyun in 10th, yongbok and yeonjun in 11th.  

(going with the US school system for the story to be easier) 

Even though riki is in the same grade as me he's almost a whole year older than me. My brothers and I are very close as our dad passed away when I was 5 and my mom...

well lets just say she doesn't live with us anymore. 

As I ponder upon how worse my day at a new school is going to get, I reach the front gates of the Chundam High school. (totally not a ripoff)

As make my way to the 9th grade classrooms, it turns out that riki oppa isn't in my class so that's one problem out of my way. 

I take my seat near the back next to the window. As I continue to stare at the front yard filled with rushing school students, the teacher takes attendance. 

"Jihyo Kim"


"Jisoo Park"


"Aeri Lee"

"Here" I say.



until I here the name...

"jisoo hong" 

(i know joshua is a cutie irl but lets make him a little more meaner)

"i go by joshua, although its may be hard to pronounce" 

That's funny, I thought, I knew someone called Joshua Hong.

I look over to the guy who said he was Joshua 

Huh, he looks nothing like my Joshua, I knew I must have been mistaken 

After more boring learning and lectures it is finally lunch time. 

I don't particularly like lunch, its easy to spot out the loners like me. But thing have been much easier after I made friends with Sooah and Soojin. 

I make my way to the cafeteria but as I walk I feel myself slam into someone. 

"Oww watch where you're going, freak" he yells

"sorry" I timidly responded. 

I look up at him, to find out that it was Joshua from class. I still can't help but see the Joshua I knew in him. But they don't look anything alike or act anything alike. 

He walks away grumpily, as I advance forward I notice that he had dropped him phone. I pick it up and look back, but he is long gone. 

I decide to just give it to him later during class so I take it with me to the cafeteria. 

My friends greet me and continue talking. 

"So.... tell me who do you like" soojin asks. 

"umm idk" sooah replies.

"come on we all know its jeongin, there's no need to hide it" soojin says while smirking 

Sooahs face turns uncontrollably red. 




"Is that your phone, you should probably answer" Soojin says 

I look down at Joshua's phone to see a load of messages from someone. 

I open his phone as that dumbass doesn't have a password and proceed to look at his messages. Just to block the number you know not to like snoop around or anything. 

Its from his dad 

"Seungmin Hong" I mutter 

No it can't be 

I open up his photos 

And astonishment overcomes me. 

(I kinda have to edit it so plz don't judge) 

dont you remember me?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin