He didn't know what to do, a stream notification from Twitch lit up on his phone, filling his dark room.

He scrambled to pick up his phone, georgenotfound has gone live!

Karl went on his MacBook to watch his stream, keeping it open as he debated on what to do.


George - *reading chat* "Karl? Sorry, no Karl today." George shrugged, "He's being annoying."

Everyone in chat laughed along, thinking it was a joke. They knew nothing of his personal life or problems.


Karl shuddered thinking of how much drama would happen if they found out about what he did. His overthinking got to him and decided to go on Twitter.


Sara - @USER9
is it weird that everyone has said something about Y/N except Karl??
. - @USER5
maybe they want to keep their friendship private
pluto - @USER67
someone is gonna cancel him if he did something lmao

Y/N - @U/N
Hey! Currently in Switzerland.. filming something:)
Can't to show you, but no spoilers until then! I won't be very active but I just want to thank everyone for the past few months, those memories will forever be my favorite and most cherished. I miss you, and I love you.
tina :D - @TinaKitten
my bby so talented :muah:

pokimane - @pokimanelol

Tubbo - TubboLive

Quackity - @Quackity
just you wait 😈
Y/N - @U/N
omg Q coming to murder me?? Bury me with everything I own ❤️
Quackity - @Quackity

karl :) - @KarlJacobs_
congrats N/N
Y/N - @U/N
thanks jacobs

dee - @USER98
there is tension between Y/N and Karl wtf



My feet ached from how long we stood for as we cleaned up our lines, got ideas of how to best represent our characters. I immediately took a shower and got into bed after today's shoot. My doorbell rang just as I had started to get comfortable.

"I swear I'm taking a nap for a year after this." I grumbled, jogging to my door.

I swung the door open, expecting a director, but there stood Q, Hannah, Tina, and Sylvee. It too me a second to process before my smile widened and I immediately jumped into their arms.

"It hasn't even been a week!" I laughed, everyone very excited to be reunited.

"C'mon, we can't miss our favorite person?" Tina squealed.

"How long are you staying in Switzerland?" I eagerly asked.

"A week to a month, depending on this one's 'school schedule'." Hannah motioned to Quackity, pretending to be annoyed, but the sides of her mouth curled upwards.

"Hey! I have assignments!" Quackity huffed.

"Give him a break, he could be defending you in court." I put my arm around his shoulder, giving it a pat before letting them inside the house.

The studio rented me out a house that was huge. It could fit all of us comfortable, almost as nice as the DreamTeam house.

"Is it just you guys?" I asked as we got settled on the couch.

"Yup! Surprise!" Sylvee did jazz hands.

Why was I sad, these were my friends! Maybe I just expected someone else to tag along too..

"Are you guys hungry?" I offered my fridge to them which they happily raided.

I snickered as they fought over my imported American snacks.

"What are you guys planning to do?" I sat back on the couch, watching them eat.

"I don't know." Hannah shrugged.

"We were just going to explore and tag along with you.." Quackity leaned against my counter, "We didn't realize how busy you'd be."

I waved them off, "Don't worry, they won't mind you coming with me."

Tina eyes shined, "We can always explore together!"

I mentally made notes of my free days, "I think I have the weekends off, so how about then?"

They nodded in sync before throwing away their food waste.

"I have the perfect amount of bedrooms for you, just go up the stairs and turn a right, that entire hallway are guest rooms." I pointed alongside my direction.

The girls dragged their luggage as they ran to pick the "best room".

"You know he misses you, right?" Quackity started.

"Yeah.. I miss him too." He was being dumb, "I don't think we're ready."

Quackity nodded, "I think you should give him a call."

I shook my head, "Thanks Q, but maybe another time. He has problems he needs to sort out."

Quackity wanted to object but shut his mouth, "Goodnight."

"Night." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

I heard his suitcase wheels roll away and pulled up the stairs, shutting himself in a room.

I looked at my phone lock screen, it was getting late and I had to be on set early tomorrow.

Missed Call from karl.
Missed Call from karl.
Missed Call from karl.
Missed Call from karl.
Missed Call from karl.


I shut my phone off, clearing the notifications.

I walked up the stairs, turning the lights off in the meantime. I settled in bed, drifting away to sleep, hoping tomorrow will be better.


HI! I'm trying to write these chapters as fast as I can, but I'm having writing blocks. Once again, please don't ask me when the next update is, I don't even know.. ANYWAYS!

Thoughts? Predictions? Comments?


~ 🥕

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