I look over to Fives, my heart breaks for him. I scoot over to him, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and i lean my head in the crook of his neck. I feel his right arm wrap around my waist to pull my closer to him, he placed his left hand on my forearm gently hanging off my arm, I feel his head rest down on top of mine. "You know that he wouldn't want us to sit here like this" i whisper gently to him, "I know, i cant help but feel like he would be doing the same if he were in our situation, it would be even worse if you had died and it were just Echo and I" He whispers to me. I smile gently as we sit here remembering Echo.

"C'mon" I pull him up from the couch, he gives me a questioning look "Where are we going?" he asked me, "To bed" i simply state. "I'l I'll be fine on the couch Lib" he softly says but yet he's barely putting up a fight as i lead him to my room. "Well i need you tonight, i am 100 percent sure you need me too." i state "So we are sleeping in my room tonight" i finish. He doesn't fight me, he follows me to the room. Once we made it in i make my way into the refresher to change and clean myself off from the previous mission, after i was ready for bed i already see Fives in my bed, his back is facing me, he's gazing outside the window to watch the traffic flow.

I crawl into in bed, my back facing fives, i shut my eyes gently before i see the explosion from my memories again. My eyes tighten shut as tears threaten to pour from my eyes again, i sniffle lightly but that was loud enough for Fives to turn around and be the big spoon here. I feel his left arm drape around my waist, his right arm was underneath my neck as he cradled my head, I shifted my body to face him as i couldn't help but cuddle into him. My emotions got the best of me that night, "Fives I cant close my eyes and not see the explosion" I whisper faintly, I felt his arms tighten around me "I know mesh'la, I cant either" he whispers into my neck. I smile lightly "I still don't know much of the Mandoa language, care to share what mesh'la means?" I try to lighten the mood, I feel his chest rumble telling me he chuckled quietly at me, "Why do you want to know so bad?" he says with a slight forced tease tone to his voice."

I laugh slightly "For all I know your insulting me Fives." I look up to him pulling my head away from the crook of his neck but still in his lazy embrace, he looks down at me and kisses the top of my forehead letting himself linger there for a moment. Once he releases me from the forehead kiss and relaxes once more "Im brave Lib, but im not brave enough to insult you like that" he smirks slightly, the sadness still present on his face. I decided not to press him any further on the matter, "We'll get through this Fives" I bring my hand up to his cheek "Together" I finish, he smiles as he leans into my hand, he kisses my palm that's resting on his cheek.

I wake up to see Echo sitting next to me, I lean up from my leaning backwards position. Echo greets me with a sympathetic smile, "Hunter and Omega are working on getting a part for the ship back, we took a lot of damage after getting out from that last fire fight." Echo informs me. "Thank you Echo." I say quietly, "I'm sorry" Echo says after a moment I look at him questionably, he sees my expression "For the citadel, me not sticking to the plan. The last thing I heard before the explosion were Fives and you calling my name" he pauses "After that everything went black till Rex and the boys found me" he finishes. I have tears in my eyes as I gently grab both of his cheeks with my hands and bring our foreheads together. "You couldn't have know that would happen Echo" I whisper to him, "No but it was just enough to cause you to have nightmares about it" he whispers back, I smile lightly as I pull away from the affection for my brother.

"Fives is the one who got me through that, truth be told we got each other through it." I smile remembering him. "He came over that night, I didn't know he had gotten there when I finally broke down." I pause "We had each other that night to rely on and I will forever be grateful to him for" I finish. "You know he loved you, right?" Echo ask, I look down and smile slightly "Yeah, I know... I never gave him a chance though." I frown slightly "I was to afraid to" I lean forward as I rest my elbows on my knees and rest my face in my hands "I thought that if we were never involved together, then if I were to lose him then it wouldn't hurt as much." I pause "I'm left with more regret than anything though" I finish as I look at echo sadly.

Echo takes a moment to reflect on my words "That's why you didn't hesitate with Hunter." He comes to that conclusion I nod my head "Bingo, I figured my other approach didn't work. So I learned from my past and just went for it" I smirk "it only took sneaking out and almost dying for me to decide that approach" I laugh slightly. "Are you happy?" Echo asks me "Yes. I'm not happy about the situation we are in but I with those who I am with I am very happy" I reply to his question. Echo smiles and nods he kisses my forehead briefly before heading out of the ship, a moment late I hear Omega running up the ramp into the ship telling me about her adventure.

I couldn't help but smile at the young girl as her excitement radiates off her. She finishes her story as Wrecker shows her what hes been working on, I see Hunter approach me with a smile on his face 'I wonder if he heard my conversation with Echo just now' I think to my self, he offers me a hand to help me up, his arm wraps around my waist and he helps me walk to join the others to see that Wrecker made a whole little bed room for Omega. My heart felt so full in that moment, we had never seen her so happy before.

A/N: I had debated if I wanted to make this chapter rated M or not, but ultimately, I decided against it for the sake of the story. I couldn't I felt like this was a huge point in both Fives and Widows life so it had to be touched on.

I will say when it comes to filler episodes I will more than likely skip or if I like the filler episode then I'll touch base on it then!

Also, thank you all so much for the reads in the likes on this and adding it to your list On your profiles! This has help built up my creative skills so much, thank you all. Truly!

Till next time 💋

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