Flamboyant Wallflower

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  No one wanted to play with me as a kid.
I remember by 4th grade I was staying inside during recess either reading, writing, or completing a sudoku. I love the outdoors, there's not a type of weather I wouldn't go run in if given the chance. There wasn't a weather back then too, but I liked the outdoors meaning out-of-the-doors and running from the place I had to attend 5 days a week.
  I was clever, just not with people. I can pass with flying colors but can't get past my anxiety. There was something different about me and they all knew, they could always see right through.
  I remember getting called dramatic a lot, I used to have outbursts quite a bit but I don't think my parents were ever notified. If they were they don't talk about it. I would get so overwhelmed with the world around me, I could feel it creep up like vines in my veins. I tried to fight it but everyone around me just made it worse; with some that was that outcome they wanted. I would yell and run to the nearest corner, corners are safe; you don't have to watch what's behind you.
  I'm the Flamboyant Wallflower, they all see me but yet do right through me. They think they know me because they know of me. They'll never truly know of me, I'll never let that happen.
  I am never Icarus; I am always Hairclips, Goggles, Long-Socks, Freak. That's all they see, cause they see right through me.

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