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A/N: Im so sorry for this late chapter, I had a rough week TvT

(not yet proofread)

Jisung felt a nerve-wracking feeling build up in his stomach.

He softly knocked on the door of the training room, a part of him hoping that Minho would have forgotten about the lesson.

Jisung heard a "come in" from inside.

The boy tightened his muscles to hide his trembling and replaced his uneasy expression with one which seemed acceptable.

His jaw dropped a fraction as he pulled open the door, the room he stepped into was as big as a tennis court, with a spongy padded flooring.

A few knives were embedded in the ceiling and bullet holes, jagged scratches, and dents were painted along the walls.

There were a set of benches and tables at the other end of the hall, presumably for spectating.

His eyes met with Minho's cold ones and he was brought back to his apprehensive thoughts.

Suddenly, the other charged at him with surprising speed and swiftness, taking him by surprise.

The squirrel-like boy's instincts kicked in and he dodged, bringing his arms up to shield his face in the process.

After a few moments, Jisung looked up.

"Not bad, though if someone were actually attempting to attack you, you would be dead by now." Minho scoffed.

The younger muttered something irritably to himself.

"Yea well, who on earth is gonna run at me like a headless chicken."

The cat-like boy raised an eyebrow, challenging him, "What was that?"

"Nothing, sorry," Jisung replied, hastily.

Minho gave him a look that the younger couldn't read before turning to pull a blade from a sheath on his belt.

The older held it out to him, "Let's teach you how to use a dagger first."

Jisung wrapped his fingers around the hilt, his eyes narrowed as a wave of Deja vu swept through him, sucking the breath out from his lungs and leaving him winded.

Minho's voice made him snap out of his daze, "Hold it with your thumb on the spine, so you can maneuver it easily."

Jisung's hands shook slightly but he obeyed, repositioning his fingers, making an effort not to drop the knife.

Jisung tensed as Minho put his hand over his and held onto the blade, the younger could sense the other's body heat and leaned to it subtly.

The cat-like boy drove the dagger in a long sideways swipe, demonstrating.

"You drive it forwards like that if your target is not directly facing you. This move is usually not to kill, but to provoke or cause pain."

Jisung nodded, trying to remember how to do it, as well as secretly admiring Minho's hand.

"There are several stabbing motions, but there is only one that you need to know at the moment."

The move caught Jisung by surprise and he lurched forwards slightly, his other hand grasping the older's shirt to steady himself.

He let go almost immediately, ducking his head in an apologetic gesture.

He expected an angry remark but all he got was a brisk,

"Concentrate, you need to make sure at least one foot is rooted to the floor while you step with the other."

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