f o u r 💌

690 21 25

Jisung stood there, frozen in shock, before a wave of panic seared through his chest.

He quickly tried to cover the scars on his arms and wrists, but to no avail, as Lee Know's gaze flickered over them.

The squirrel-like boy failed to hide the fear in his eyes, slowly backing away into the sink.

Another moment passed before the older gave him another unreadable expression and turned on his heel, speaking over his shoulder,

"Nice waist by the way."

Jisung caught a flicker of a smirk before the bathroom door snapped shut again.

It took the boy a while to register what the other had said and felt a blush creeping up his neck as he realized.

Slowly, Jisung remembered the mischievous look on Hyunjin's face as the ferret-like boy had shown him his room.

It all clicked into place.

"HYUNJIN HYUNG, IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Jisung yelled as loud as he could and swore he heard a hysterical laugh coming from somewhere within the house.


It turned out that Changbin wasn't the least bit as scary as Jisung had thought he was.

Yes, the older did grumble a bit when the squirrel-like boy had told him that he hadn't even learned binary code, but other than that, the two got on well.

Despite Changbin's temper, he was quite patient with the other.

"But, what's the difference between denary and binary? I don't get it." Jisung ranted in confusion.

With a sigh, Changbin answered, "Binary consists of ones and zeros, whereas denary is like a normal number."

"Okay, okay, I think I get it."

The younger stared down at the piece of paper with continuous 1s and 0s written on it, trying his best to understand.

Jisung glanced back up to see Changbin on his computer again, looking through a long list of files.

Without noticing, Jisung started to zone out.

He's a little strange. The squirrel-like boy thought, but he didn't mean it in a bad way.

From the little time he had spent with the other, he realized there was more to Changbin than the older seemed to want to let on.

There was always this small hint of sadness, or perhaps loneliness in the depths of his unusual amber-brown eyes.

It was so unnoticeable that Jisung had almost missed it, but he heard it, ever so faintly in Changbin's voice too.

It was like the older had been carrying a burden on his shoulders for so long that it had imprinted a permanent scar.

Jisung gave a start as he realized Changbin was looking right at him, probably for a while now.

"I know I'm handsome and all but you gotta stop staring at me." The older chuckled.

"I n-no I-" Jisung tried to explain but was cut off by a laugh.

"Don't worry, I'm only joking, what are you thinking about?" Changbin questioned.

"Oh, nothing important." The younger answered hastily, maybe a bit too fast for it to be believable.

Either way, the other just nodded but Jisung didn't miss the small flicker of curiosity that crossed Changbin's face.


Night was falling.

Jisung found it hard to get his head wrapped around the fact that he had just spent a full day and a half in a mafia hideout.

It wasn't as bad as he thought it would have been, to be honest.

He expected to receive harsh treatment and unfriendliness but he got the complete opposite of that.

The boy watched the soft rays of moonlight filter through the blinds and reflect on the opposite wall, Casting a silver glow through his bedroom.

The last few days had been such a roller-coaster and his life had almost completely changed.

He had become friends with most of the gang, except Lee Know, who seemed to be purposefully avoiding him.

Not that he cared at all, anyway.

He was going to learn more tomorrow, he has a lesson with Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeongin.

There was only a slight worry prowling in the depths of Jisung's mind, it was just that he just didn't seem to be capable of fitting in with everyone else.

He knows that it's been less than three days, but Jisung doubts he will ever get used to the mafia.

Pushing his anxiety away for now, the squirrel-like boy rolled over and drifted into a deep sleep.

Jisung groaned, feeling himself being woken up by a heavy weight on his chest.

Blinking in the darkness, his gaze met with a pair of lime green eyes, looking up at him expectantly.

The 'thing' let out a soft meow and Jisung realized, in astonishment, that he had a whole cat sitting on him.

Careful not to make any sudden movements, the boy slowly stretched out an arm and switched on the lamp on his bedside table.

As he slowly adjusted to the brightness, he could see that the cat was an orange-and-white tabby with a brown speckle on its nose.

I wonder how it got in here? The squirrel-like boy thought, puzzled.

Gazing over at his bedroom door, Jisung realized he must have left it ajar.

"What's your name?" Jisung asked, knowing the cat wouldn't give him an answer.

It gave a drowsy mew in response, purring contentedly.

A/N: sorry the chapter is a little short!

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