Chapter 23:Chick Meter

Start from the beginning

However, we arrived safe and sound, others more traumatized, but we all arrived with our limbs attacked and that's what mattered.

I helped Mike take down a bag while he grabbed his heavy suitcases and brought them in, immediately being greeted by both Hank and Rummy.

Both Roseanne and I immediately sat him down and went over the list of rules we (mostly her) made regarding him, helping out, and his cleanliness. I wasn't sure why she was so worked up about it because well he's my brother and I don't really care about anything as long as he washes his own clothes and didn't throw unexpected parties with friends and chicks from his meter.

Annoyed, he agreed and then went on to unpack as well as plug-in his gaming console and begin feeding his gaming addiction, "I think we did a pretty good job." Roseanne said like she just disciplined the son she has raised since birth.

"Sure, now how about you help me make dinner because I'm starving."

And so she did and we cooked and danced as well as kissed around the kitchen. Ever since I learned that she did pretty well in the kitchen I've decided to start training her just in case in the future I get really sick and can't cook for the kids and her. At first, I thought it was done but she began ranting about our future which led me to believe that it was a dumb thought, that a future with her was going to happen and I wanted all of it so damn bad. The good parts and the bad ones.

At the news of dinner, she decided to drop a bomb on me on how she was going to have a new meeting with her higher-ups about music releases since they were new to the game regarding the new company. She also mentioned taking advantage of being there and recording everything so she wouldn't have to make multiple trips back and forth between home and the studio.

She opened up about a problem she hated having to do with said topic. She talked about the stress and the exhaustion that came with being in different and multiple countries within the span of a week.

"It was so hard to keep up. I pushed everything to the side, my personal life and feelings that when j finally did get a break it all came back to me times like a thousand. It's awful and I enjoy having the privilege of traveling but sometimes I just need to stop and breathe in the moment. There wasn't a lot of that with tour." I wish I could feel for the girl but I couldn't relate. After a hard day at the restaurant, I came home and slept at the same time to wake up at the same time. "But things will definitely be different now. I'm serious about us and I was serious before but I don't think I fought as hard for you back then as I'm willing to fight now. I'm sorry for being such an asshole."

"Shh, the past is the past. Let's never bring it up again, especially with arguments. I hate when things get brought up during arguments because it gets nasty." And I definitely witnessed too much of that with my parents at home. Not that I could hear it but Mike would translate everything to keep me in the loop as to why the lamp we had just bought a couple of weeks ago was already broken.

Dinner was fantastic and it was wonderful how we all spent time bonding over embarrassing moments with Mike and I exposing our events while Rosie exposed hers. Overall, this is what I dreamed of. The feeling I had at that moment and still do is what I want to feel every day in the future. Although I know it won't always be like that because kids can be hardheaded, still a girl can dream.

Mike helped clean up and then went off to his room leaving Rosie, Hank and I in the kitchen alone. Rosie told me she'd finish up loading the dishwasher and I decided to take a trip to social media and see what new things were happening to my restaurant's page.

A couple of days ago I logged in to my restaurant page and was surprised by the number of messages I got from big companies asking me to use their products in their restaurant with good deals for the both of us. Basically, they were paying me to use their products while I gave them more popularity. Sure I felt used but it was awesome. Not to mention the new towel company who contacted me and promised to be more consistent with towels as my old supplier was always running mates and there were days were I had to make quick trips to the store and purchase some for cleaning.

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