Chapter 19:Nothing is Ever Planned

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"Why do you feel so much pressure on wanting to be on good terms with your parents?" Dr. Tesfaye's legs were crossed with the material of her pants rubbing against each other.

This session has been about me the moment our therapist walked in and honestly, at this point it felt wrong to say our because we never unpacked on Roseanne as much as we did with me. The moment she walked in Roseanne starts blurting out everything wrong with me and it felt caring at first but now it was just overbearing.

She told her about my parents and their sudden presence in my home at 5:00 am and the annoying guy at the gym which was the least of my worries because it happened from the results of me being a woman—what I'm trying to say is that it did not correlate the attack at the restaurant like she's been trying to tell Dr. Tesfaye—despite me denying everything she continues to say that I feel but I knew she was just worried and paranoid. I wouldn't want to see me again on the ground the way she did when she walked into the restaurant.

I looked over to Roseanne who was pridefully and attentively listening to me after basically ratting me out to my therapist, "because I just fixed my relationship with them and that's all I ever wanted growing up. A stable relationship with my parents. I wanted what the movies showed and I know life isn't picture perfect but our relationship doesn't even reach 'ok' and that's super low on the scale!" I exaggeratively signed with sarcastic dejection written on my face. I slammed my palms harshly on my jeaned thighs and took a deep sigh. "But I just kinda don't care anymore, I mean I can't change who they are and how they act. I already did my part and I can't make them do theirs. So be it."

"That's true, and I'm glad you know that because we need to know that we don't have the authority to change people or how they feel. We can't fix everything even if we wanted to. With that being said we just need to work on healing from the past regarding the topic." My therapist was satisfied but Roseanne, not so much. It's like she wanted her to go get my parents and drag them by their ears until they apologized.

"We've been talking about me this whole session and I don't think I'm that interesting so, Rosie anything—" As I was signing Mike came out of his room yawning as loud as a lion's roar. He noticed he had before I even noticed that his hair resembled a mane.

"Oh shit—oh fuck... ok um shoot my bad I didn't know someone was here." He apologized.

Dr. Tesfaye chuckled and excused him from his primitive behavior, "Sorry about that, that's my brother Mike." She nodded understandably and flicked her wrist.

Dr. Tesfaye began talking to Roseanne about something and Mike stood behind her away from her vision and began signing toward me, "Mom and Dad are coming to pick me up, do you want to come out?"

I widened my eyes not knowing what to do. I did want to but it was probably not a good idea; I also couldn't just abandon the session. I looked at Rosie who was multitasking and told me I should go by pointing with her head, so I briefly excused myself and went outside while Mike went into the bathroom to get ready.

Tan unfamiliar car, a rental, was parked in my driveway with two sunglassed people sitting in the front seats. They knew they couldn't escape because they couldn't just leave Mike here since he has to finish school. I saw panic in my mom's face and I knew better when I saw that face. That same face was worn every time my dad was bothered, angry, or throwing a tantrum.

"I just came here to ask how you guys are doing..." I signed softly and only my mom answered saying they were ok while my dad's face was stuck to the door, probably praying that Mike would hurry up. "Good, I'm glad." I thought about just walking away and being satisfied with the behavior but my feet stuck to the concrete wanting answers.

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