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"ELLIE-CHAN, WAIT!" tooru called out, finally having caught up to the drenched brunette

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"ELLIE-CHAN, WAIT!" tooru called out, finally having caught up to the drenched brunette. the sight nearly reminded him of a kitten left out in the rain, as her usual wavy hair now stuck to her face, flattened by the chlorinated water.

when her breath finally recovered, as she was no good when it came to running, ellie looked up at setter, still crossing her blazer over her chest. "wait for what, exactly?" she huffed out, shivering as a gust of spring air greeted her face. it was definitely not the right weather to be walking out soaked with freezing cold pool water. only an idiot would do such a thing.

ellie, was that idiot.

wordlessly, the captain moved closer to the girl, unzipping his jacket. "well if you plan to leave, at least wear something warm." he sighed out, looking around to see if anyone was near before turning to her with flushed cheeks. "this might sound weird.. but i need you to take your blazer off."


"need me to what." she blurted incredulously, peering up at him with widened eyes as her face reddened exponentially. "i-i can't do that- you'll see everything! i won't be able to live with that!" natsukashi reasoned, shaking her head rapidly. the last thing she wanted was to flash the color of her brassiere to the boy she loved.

but oikawa seemed to know something she didn't.

"that's the thing, ellie-chan.." he whispered, willing his eyes to stay on hers. "the blazer is white, as you know — so it's not covering." a pause to clear his throat. "as much as you think it is.."

three beats of silence passed before the brunette looked down to see for herself, and holy shit balls.

the female aoba johsai uniform was identical to that of the male one. only difference was that girls wore plaid skirts while boys wore pants.

normally, if you wanted to wear everything the uniform consisted of, it would include a beige sleeveless sweater over the dress shirt and under the blazer.

but like her cousin.. ellie chose not to wear it.

and paid the price now.

"oh god. everyone saw my bra- saw the size of my tits — YOU SAW." she panicked, covering her mouth before turning away in shame. "my reputation is nonexistent, not that i had one to begin with but who knows who i passed in the hall, who saw me at the pool — who knows what our friends think.." she rambled on, grabbing ahold of the wall to steady herself.

𝐎𝐈𝐊𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄.   tooru o.Where stories live. Discover now