"Hey Carlos" Stella says blandly

"Hello Stella"

"How are you feeling?"Carlos says with a frown forming on his face

"Meh, "Stella says shrugging

"Come here," Carlos says while opening his arms ready to engulf Stella in his arms

Stella walks towards Carlos and walked right into his arms. Carlos wrapped his arms around her so tightly that she felt at home. "Thanks, Carlos. I needed this"

"Anytime Stella. You know that"

"Yes I do"

Carlos unwrapped Stella and smiled. His smile was always something she could see every day and it would always make her day better.

"Hey don't tell Charles but I'm going to have a full conversation with him in Spanish and he's not going to know a thing I'm saying"

"It's such a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because I'm just smarter"

"Sure you are.."

Stella went on a hunt to find Charles. She knocked on his driver's room.


"Yes, Stel? Do you need anything?"

"Can I come in?"

"Of course you can" Charles's sweet voice replied

Stella entered with a smile which soon turned to tears as she closed the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything is wrong"

Charles guided Stella to the couch he had. She just started crying like a waterfall which would never stop. The only way a waterfall could stop was by something blocking the water but she had nothing except Charles. Charles had to be the barrier she needed.

Charles placed his arm carefully on Stella's shoulder without making her jump. As soon as she felt his touch she knew exactly where to rush into. She rammed her head into his chest with her arms around his torso.

"I just... don't...like... me..." Her tears paused her words.

"Oh Stella"

"Don't tell me the same thing everyone says"

Charles rubbed his hand on her back just to calm her down. She always had one of these meltdowns every month. It's just how her past shaped her future.

Stella let go of Charles to remove the jumper she had on as she was too hot. One thing Charles is about to see were her scars.

Whenever Stella had one of these meltdowns she always had her way of "calming down". This started back when her father died. Yes, she was young but that didn't stop her. Carlos knew about this but as they grew distant he couldn't help her so her friends would get her drunk and make her forget about the whole day and all her doubts.

Stella whispered before taking off her jumper "Charles, promise me you won't be alarmed?"

"Alarmed why would I be..."

"Charles," She said sternly"promise me"

"I promise Stel"

Stella removed her jumper and wrapped her arms immediately around Charles.

Charles sat there worried for Stella but worried about why this would happen.


"Charles you promised"

"I know I know. Just stand with me for a second. Follow me." As he said that Stella grabbed her hoodie.

"It's fine we're not going outside this room okay it's just me and you. Just walk up the mirror with me"

Stella shook her head and stepped back.

"I'll be right next to you okay? Just me and you. No one else."

"Okay..." Stella walked back towards Charles.

"Now just look at yourself in the mirror"

"No Charlie. I already hate myself I'm not going to see my horrible, disgusting self" The tears started flowing again but Charles let Stella wrap herself back in his embrace.

"Stel just do this for me"


"Look give me your hand. Yeah. Now look. You're so beautiful. Look at you. People would kill to have you. Trust me I would. You are so perfect okay? Don't listen to anyone. Don't listen to that guy in your head telling you that you are not good enough. Your perfect." As he said this he wiped all tears that would stream down Stella's face.

"Thank you, Charlie"

"No problem Stel. Now I have a quali to win"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I completely forgot."

"You don't need to apologise. All people have days like that and if you need anything from me again just tell me okay? Even if I'm out or something just text me okay?"

"Yes I will"

"Good. I want you to sit and have a set of headphones okay? Listen in to everything"

"Okay. But my jumper has wet patches everywhere and I'm not showing up like this" she says pointing to her scars.

"Go in the closet and get one of my jumpers"



"Now come on. You get front-row tickets"

Charles had just been the best person in the world. Everyone needs a Charles. Every girl in the world needs a Charles. Charles was officially her haven. Like a kid in the arms of their parents.

1241 words

How's your day going?

I'm having massive writer's block. This took me 2 days to write. I'm so annoyed.

Hope you liked it.


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