Som Time

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Som hid the excitement of seeing Time again.
She has great time being with Jao and Day and Toh for the day.

She just saw Time yesterday.
But today is different.
Time had been giving clues. And they had been dating, few months now.

Time smiles as he sees Som walks put of the mall exit. He stands beside his car. Where cars stops and waits.
Som looked at him also with great smile.
He watches Som moves like in slow motion as air blew some of her hair. And managed to arrange it. Walking towards him. He enjoys the view and that smile is like a spell that makes his world stos everytime he sees it.

"Hi" Som said.
Time blinked few times before he realized Som  just in front of him.

"Hi" he responded but his voice is deep.
He cleared uis throat then guide Som to the door. He opened the door and make sure his beloved had her seat and secured before he closed the door and walked to the other side of the car.

"Are you ready for our date?" Time asked.

"Mm" Som responded and nod her head

Som had. A deal with Time yesterday that Som will have a day with only her three besties. And after that. Time will bring her to a date.

Time smiled evily and strated the engine.
Som is not expecting it to be expensive, for they have sinners with simple noddle shops or reaturants. And when they eat at Micheline dinners their friends Nueah or Sky already had the bills. They never tried auch expensive stuffs just the two of them.

Actually. Sometimes Time is mysterious. That Som observed. One day Som heard Fon telling Time to tell her something. And it frustrates Som for Time never said anything but of how much he cares for Som.

They had passed through the city and now in a district road and it's already dark.

"Where are we gonna get?" Som asked.

"Do you trust me Som?" Time asked.

Som looked at Time and felt something is odd.
She always trust her instinct. Big her instinct is so in love with this man also.
For months that they have been dating Time is always patient and gentle with her.

Son gulped hard
If it is tonight let it be. I agreed to come without knowing where to go.
She said in her brain

She looked outside they are like in a subdivision.

"Yes I trust you" Som answered.

"I won't hurt you or do anything you don't want me to do. na. " Time said lovingly.

Some smiled and vanished the worries and doubt she had felt.

They stopped in front of a big gate. But you can see the inside. The nice garden and garbage on the side where three cars are parked.
"Is this a restaurant?" Som asked.
Time just smiled.

There is a code reader on the side. Time put his window down and typed something.
The gate opened.

"It's a surprise but just be yourself." Time said.

Som is now more nervous.
As they drive closer this is not a restaurant nor fine dinning nor Micheline restaurant.
This is a family house.

"Calm down love. They'll love you." Time said.

Som looked at her self get her purse and make sure her no make up-look make up, is still on point.

Deep breath.

The door beside her opened and a hand is offered to guide her.
She took it and gained confidence as Time squeezed it. And whispered to her.
"Your beautiful inside and out makes you stunning my love. Don't think too much i'm by your side. Na."

Som smiles. And walk as Time guide her.

"Hello" a woman greeted them and bowed a bit. Then she smiled.
Som waiid at her.
The house staff head is pleased.
"Nong Time and Nong Som just arrived" she announced loud.

Then all the house staff gathered to greet them. Then the moved away and there stood Time's parents.

Time laughed ruining the moment.
Because he can feel the grip on his hands.
Som is dying inside of nervousness.

"Why are you laughing young man?" The dad asked.

"Welcome sweetie" the mom said and walked towards them and hug Som.

"Don't mind the drama we made." Mom said but the dad is still on it.

Time walked towards dad and hugged him. There the dad melts and also smiles.
The atmosphere became lighter.
Then Time's younger brother and sister came to greet them also.
Som felt warmth and happiness. This is not different from her home.

But they are way too rich. That Time never mentioned nor bragged about.
After dinner.
Som and mom are left in the dinning table which is by now cleaned by the staff.
They are served with hot tea.

"Do you like our family?" Mom asked.
Som gathered all her confidence and nodd her head.

"You seemed nice. And P' Time shows he have a nice family and nice up bringing for the way he treats me and our friends. You raised him well." Som said

Mom smiles happily.
"Do you really like my son?" the mom asked.

Som is nervous. But heart to heart woman to woman.
"I do ma'am" she answered straight with no hesitations.

Moms smile get wider.
"I hope next time Time beings you here you can call me Mae and Por Por." Mom hold Some hand that rest on the table.
Som felt that warm.

"We know you are dating but not officially boyfriend-girlfriend." Mom said in almost a whisper

Som blushed.

"Sure Mae" Som whispered a little loud but only mom hear.
Moms face show radiance of happiness.
They both chuckle.

"What's going on?"Time said as he walks towards them.
"I hate to break this moment but. We did not sign up for dorm leave" he added.

Mom smiled.

"Bring her again when you come home." Mom said.
Time nodd his head but looks at Som. Who is just like a cute tomato turning red.

Time and Som said goodbye yo the rest of the family.

Som is silent.
45 minutes of raod drive.
20 minutes traffic before entering the busy center.
Then 5minutes half way to the dorm.

The silence is broken.
"Take me to your apartment. My dorm mate signed up for my dorm leave tonight" Som said.

Then the car signed hazard and parked at the shoulder.
Time removed his seat belt.
"Please let me kiss you." Time pleaded.
Som removed her seatbelt also and meet Time halfway.
They kissed.
Time longed for this kiss.
Not chested.
They both moan for how good it is.

"Take me p' Time" Som whispered.

"Be my girlfriend first." Time said while kissing Som's neck.

"Am I not?" Som asked.

Time stopped and looked at Som in the eyes.
"I love you." He said.
"Be my girl friend" he said it like demand.

"I am your girlfriend and I love you" Som said.
Time kissed her.
Owned her.
"I need to meet your parents" he whisper.

Som is surprised for Time stopped kissing her. But make her sit properly and seatbelt on he himself sit and buckled on back on the road and silence.

But when the car parked in its place in Time's apartment garage.
He unbuckle his seatbelt and attacked Som with a kiss.

A/N :
Sorry too long but their is alwaywait for the next update.
Promise it will follow sooner.

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