eye to eye

496 21 2

Nuea's POV

His eyes are closed.
I am still kissing him.
Gripping on him.

Damn I am not gonna let you go. Toh!

But he pushed me a little.

"P' Nuea. I think you have to go na." He said.
All his things are on his hands
He quickly moved and get off the car.

I am still into the kiss but he damn left me.

"Shit!" I mouthed.
I looked at him and he is a bit far now.

He turned on his back and face me then he waiid as my junior. He did not even looked at me.
He rushly walked to enter their dorm.
And I can't see him no more.

I leaned on my seat.

Damn that kiss!
I want more.

I wanna follow him to his dorm.
But that would be wrong.

I have to make this right.

Maybe of I will tell him my intentions. He can forget his p' Red.
Or maybe when I know who his p' Red is I can compete and show him I am the one for him.

I arrived at my condo take a very quick shower before going to bed.

It is really late.
"Nuea." Fon speak near my ear.

"What?" I asked irritatedly.

"We have cleaned your closet again" Kwan said.

"I love the chocolates" Fon said

"But this one should be given to you." Kwan said sweetly.

"Tangerine!" I said.

"Few people knows your favorites." Fon said and winked.

"People come from different colleges just to give the basketball superstar gifts " Sky said.
He grabbed one of the tangerines and peeled it.

"This is clean and fresh" he said them eat one sap.
"So good" he said.

Fon and Kwan get the tangerine from him and eat also. They gave him 1/4.

"Hey I am the one who peeled that." He said.

"Do you know who it came from?" I asked Sky.

He just smirked.

"I don't wanna be noisy person." He said and winked.
Then he walked on.

Maybe I know whom it came from really.

Still University Fair
I should have not come.
But attendance is important.

I just sighed.
Followed my friends.

"Hey we can go to communication and Arts College!" Kwan said.

"I totally agree" Time said

We walked back to the garage.

"Hey where do you think you are going?" P'' Touch asked.

"Communication and Arts." Sky said.

P'' Touch smiled.
We all looked at him

Hoping he won't stop us.
He is our senior.

"I am coming also" he said.
My friends cheered and I just smiled.

Their college is not really far from us.

Their landscapes and gardens are really filled with arts.
We drive around their area enjoying their arts before we parked in their parking area. Most are motorbikes.

Mine (NueaToh FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora