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Toh's POV

"I hate it when right." Daisy complained

"Why what?" I asked.
I was in my peace eating my ice cream when Daisy joined me.
But by the look at his face.
I can't taste sweetness anymore.
My ice cream is plain vanilla flavor. But now I only can smell the flavor and became tasteless.

"Stop acting dramatic just say it.
What is it?" I asked.

"P' Wait!" Daisy said and crumpled the paper he is holding.

I scooped a spoonful of ice cream and feed it to him.
He dint resist it.

But he grabbed the ice cream cup from my hand and eat the rest of it.

"That's .... Never mind." I sighed.

"Toh. That bit h is gonna earn what she wants. And p' Touch don't he dare or damn will be on him!" Day said angry.

I thought the ice cream help.

"P'Touch" I asked.

Jao is coming. And someone carried his extra bag

I smiled and waiid at P' Sky.

"Good morning I will leave now. See you at lunch?" He asked.

I looked at Jao.
"Sure p' we will see you at lunch." I said.

Jao looked at me irritated.

P' Sky left.

"Why did you say that?" Jao said.

"You wanna have lunch with alone? We can arrange that." I said

"No. Why did you let him eat with us." Jao said.

"O come on Jao we will leave you two alone" Day said .
"Vanilla is good" he said looking at the empty cup of ice cream.

Som now comes.
Walking excited

Like she is filled with gossips.

"What is that look about?" I asked as she sit down.

"Well p' Time and I will have dinner tonight." She said excitedly giggling.
Daisy giggled with her.

Me and Jao just looked at each other.

"Day that's so superficial. When did you begin being one?" Som asked in mom mode that fast.

Day looked down.
But the cup is crumpled.

"Daisy calm down" I said.

"P' Wai is challenging me. And that asshole Touch does not care." He said.

"O come on. Day when did you relay on someone that is when you have a fight like this?" Som asked.

"Well I was just hoping p' Touch would do defend me." Day said disappointed.

I took my phone.

You gotta be kiddin' this time p' or I myself will prevent him dating you.

Som looked at me.
"Is p' Nuea picking you up for lunch?" She asked.

"Nope. We will see each other after afternoon class he will pick up. He have something to do. An extra curricular." I said

"Jao?" Som asked.

"P' Sky will come for lunch" I am the one who answered.

"Why are we not the one who will go there?" Som suggested.

I smirked.

"I like the idea." I said.
And we all agreed.

You are gonna be so dead p' Touch.

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