Chapter 260

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In less than 10 minutes.

Jennie saw that not only did her fans not decrease, but they actually increased by 500,000.

She was speechless.

What was going on?

Did the company give her zombie fans?

Jennie couldn't hold back her curiosity and clicked into the comment section. Then, she saw a huge group of self-proclaimed passersby saying that they became fans because of her personality.

Jennie was confused.

Her mind was filled with questions.

She hadn't received such treatment before.

Why did she have so many fans now?

Could it be that everyone liked her true self?

People nowadays had really strange tastes.

On the other side.

When Little Xiao sent that apology statement, she really used some tricks.

The company forced her to make an apology.

The company had already said that if she didn't make an apology, leaving the industry was a small matter. A worse punishment might come later.

Not only that, but Little Xiao also received a stack of photos and videos.

Someone sent it to her email.

When she saw the videos and photos, Little Xiao almost fainted from anger.

This was because the contents were evidence of her sleeping with men in the past to gain resources.

There were producers, directors, artistes, hosts, and even lighting and makeup artists.

Her face was very clear in the photos and videos.

Anyone could tell that it was her.

Especially the mole near her eye. Her mole could be seen in the photos and videos.

Some photos and videos were very explicit.

Once this was exposed, she wouldn't be able to face anyone anymore.

The anonymous sender requested her to leave the industry and apologize to Jennie.

Under the agency's threat and the anonymous email, Little Xiao had no choice but to apologize.

But she was still indignant.

Even if she wanted to leave the entertainment industry, she couldn't let Jennie have it easy.

Her withdrawal must be meaningful.

She couldn't sacrifice herself for nothing.

Hence, she deliberately led people to guess if it was Jennie who forced her to leave the industry.

Little Xiao didn't think she'd done anything wrong.

She was forced to do it.

She didn't want to leave the entertainment industry at all.

In order to enter this industry and become popular, she had sacrificed too much to get to where she was today.

But why did all her effort and sacrifice go to waste with just one sentence?

I'm Secretly Married to a Bigshot [ Part 2 ] COMPLETEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin