Chapter 9

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Alora's pov

Omg omg omg-

Im frantically walking in my room right now.

How tf am I supposed to give a speech at the function without the papers???

"Shit" I muttered to myself.

The worst part is the function has been shifted to the next day and I here need to prepare for it.

How am I supposed to do without the papers?

I cant let my school down..

Seriosuly what did Sir Austin even saw in me to be the representative of the school?

I sat on my bed and looked at the foreign papers with me.

I took one of them & read it.


Im sorry I ain't good at business language.

As I flipped the papers I saw a buildings name which was a bit familiar to me from my memory.


Isnt it like 40 mins away from here?

How am I supposed to return these papers back?

I dont know the way to the building.

Oh for fucks sake

I heard the bell rang which means its time for lunch.

I got up from my bed and my way to the canteen.

I somehow managed to get through the canteen door and went to the serving place and waited in the line.

After what seemed like forever, I took my food and went to an empty table.

As I sat down I heard a voice.

"Can I sit here with you?" It was Christina.

"Uhm sure I said" I moved my chair a bit and she sat down with me.

Both of us were munching on our food silently.

"So.. did you prepare for the speech?"

What a great question!

"I still have some much preperation. What about you" I asked her while smiling like nothing happened two hours ago.

"I have practiced it" she shrugged.

I nodded my head and continued eating.

"May I ask you something" I said to Christine.

"Yea go ahead"

"Are we allowed to go outside?" I asked.

She stared at me unsure. "Like outside the campus?"

I nodded my head.

"No we cant" and she went back to her eating session.


"Wait why?"

She put her spoon down and turned towards me.

"The staff here would help us if we need anything. We are not allowed to go outside because its foreign and if we get lost it would be a big issue."

I gave a 'oh'

"Why did you ask?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"Oh uhh I nevee saw anyone going outside so just fot a doubt".

She looked at me sternly before changing her whole expression.

"Alright" She chirped and got up.

I got up from my seat and tossed of the leftovers at the bin and went out of the canteen.

If I cant go out then..

I saw a gaurd a whistling walking here and there.

But something shiny dangling from his pocket caught ny attention.


I stared at it before going back to my dorm.

Few hours later

I asked Christina to give a copy of her speech and Im learning it right now.

I probably wont get my paper back..

But at the same time I have someone else papers with me too.

Im sure that guy would come and get it.

Would he?

I sighed and went outside to get a fresh air.

And the only place was the garden

The campus garden was really pretty filled with flowers of all kinds and an neat enviorment.

I sat at a fountain and left my legs dangling.

I saw the gaurd from earlier opening the gates.

The key which I saw earlier was now used to open the gates and some high class people came in.

Can it be that guy?

I saw no sign of him so..

Again I felt hopeless

But again something isnt letting me go.

The keys..

Should I sneak out without anyone seeing?

Yea no way


Hope you guys liked this chapter :)


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