Chapter 5 - The Visitor

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The girl at the door cocked her head. "Yes," she replied quickly in a distasteful tone before slamming the door shut.

Melora blinked; was this how she behaved to everyone at their door? She wondered and looked back at her friends, stunned and puzzled. Evelyn's lips were parted in a puzzled expression. They were surprised that the girl slammed the door swiftly, without even questioning why they were looking for Zchelea.

Melora instantly turned around and knocked again, stronger than the last time. Evelyn and Leanora approached her to stay with her.

The door opened again, and the girl looked at them with a bothered look. "What?" she snapped at Melora, her eyes hardening, thoroughly disturbed.

Melora cleared her throat. "Sorry if we're bothering you, but can you tell us where Zchelea is?" she didn't like how the girl was behaving toward them. It was quite irritating, but she instructed herself to keep her voice calm and normal.

Though, Melora wanted to glare back at her; why was there a little girl in Zchelea's house? Melora couldn't help but be bothered by that thought.

"She's not here," the girl said, swiftly closing the door again.

"What the heck is wrong with this girl?" Leanora hissed under her breath.

"Perhaps she doesn't socialize with people?" Evelyn shrugged, unsure.

"She better not drive me mad," Melora muttered as she stepped forward and knocked impatiently again.

As the door opened once more, the girl's irritating expression reappeared. "What?" she snapped again as she narrowed her eyes at the trio. She was highly irritated and bothered, but Melora didn't care.

"Where is Zchelea?" Melora did her hardest to remain cool as she demanded impatiently.

"I told you she isn't here!" The girl responded coldly and was about to shut the door again, but Melora stepped forward and prevented the door from closing. "What are you doing?" the girl shouted, her eyes widening as Melora pressed her palm against the door, blocking her try. The girl tried harder, but Melora was strong enough not to let her win. "Who are you?!" She asked at last.

"Wasn't that what you were supposed to ask first?" Melora asked, raising her eyebrows challengingly. "Tell me where's Zchelea, we're here to see her urgently."

"She isn't here." The girl irritated them by repeating the answer.

Leanora groaned, "Then where is she?"

"She's at work." The girl scowled at them, her gaze hardening on Melora, who released her hand from the door.

"Where is she working?" Melora asked anxiously.

"I don' answer to strangers." The girl hissed and was about to shut the door again when Melora stopped her.

"When will she come back?" Melora asked impatiently.

"I told you I don't answer to strangers!"

"Then who did just answer us that Zchelea isn't here but at work?" Leanora teased her, crossed her arms, and raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

"What do you want?" the girl hissed.

Melora dismissed her question, "Who are you to Zchelea?"

"I'm her sister."

Melora's heart stopped; Leanora and Evelyn gasped. "What?" the trio exclaimed in unison.

Melora got stunned; she was Zchelea's sister? How was that possible? If she was so, does it make this girl her sister as well? Her eyes softened as confusion washed over her. She wanted to ask, but she couldn't find the right words.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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