Elham let out a laugh, reaching for the hilt of her sword. She realized now that she wouldn't even have to use it. Not to kill anyone, anyway. These men would be an easy enough fight, and she could get by with just bashing them around a bit.

"You two, get off your asses!" Haskell shouted, and the two men hesitating next to him set their eyes on Elham.

She smirked, looking over her shoulder to see Kaz shoving the head of his cane into a man's stomach, before cracking it over the head of another. She turned back to face the two men charging at her, quickly unsheathing her sword the rest of the way. Sliding down to her knees, she skid across the floor past the two men. With one end of her sword, she jammed the hilt into the back of the man on the left's knees as she slid past him, slicing the calf of the man on the right with the other end of her sword. Not enough to cause significant damage, but certainly enough to send him crashing to his knees, crying out in pain. Both men were now buckled on the floor, groaning.

Elham was grimacing too, feeling the cuts on her knees from scraping them on the pavement beginning to throb. Taking a breath, she stood and turned around to face Kaz. One of the men had gotten close enough, and he sent his fist cracking across Kaz's jaw. Seething, Elham decided her sword wasn't necessary to cause this man any pain.

She could do that all on her own.

She quickly sheathed her sword, stepping into a defensive stance as she inserted herself into the middle of the fight. She grabbed the back of his collar, yanking him around to face her. She bawled up her fist, feeling his nose crunch under her knuckles as she punched him square in the face. As he stumbled back, Kaz swung his cane, sending him smashing into the floor.

He swung again towards the man next to him, and Elham watched as the blood spewed out of his mouth. More men from the far side of the room rushed Kaz, immediately landing blows. Kaz was eventually outmanned, being knocked to the floor. Elham faltered, abandoning the fight to try and help him up.

Suddenly, a chain was wrapped around her neck.

Elham immediately stilled, her hands coming to wrap around it. Her vision began to cloud as the chain tightened around her neck. She could hear glass breaking, and the sound of Kaz grunting. He had been pulled up to his feet, and his arms were restrained behind him by one man as another punched him in the gut. Elham finally managed to dig her fingers under the chain, giving herself enough slack so that she could suck in a breath. With all her might, she bent forward as hard as she could.

The man pulling the chain faltered, tumbling over his own feet from the sheer force and surprise of her escape attempt. It was enough for Elham to completely take hold of the chain, ripping it from his hands.

She quickly wrapped it around her hand, swinging. It cracked across her attacker's face, instantly knocking him out cold.

Kaz had managed to wiggle his way free from one of the men, giving himself enough room to grab the knife from inside his coat pocket. He lodged it into the man's leg, who immediately let Kaz go as he stumbled back in pain. Kaz immediately shoved him, sending him crashing through a table. While his back was turned, one of the last men in the fight tried to grab Kaz. Elham quickly unsheathed the dagger strapped to her side, grabbing ahold of him. She held it to his throat, stopping him in his tracks.

"Another step and I'll slice you down to the bone," she sneered in his ear, keeping the blade flush against his neck.

She held him still, long enough for Kaz to throw his knife, lodging it in the man's shoulder. He screamed out in pain, slumping against Elham. Her grip didn't falter as she waited for Kaz's next move, letting the man writhe in pain in her hold.

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