chapter six

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Elham followed Kaz's trail, catching up to him soon after she left the cemetery. He eventually realized she was there, slowing his pace down just enough for her to catch up, but neither of them spoke to each other. It was silent the whole way to wherever it was they were going, as Kaz had yet to tell her where exactly that was.

After a few minutes, Elham realized they had moved from the edge of the city into the more rural part, where various aristocrats, elites, and gang leaders resided.

She shuddered the further they went into town, pulling her coat tighter around her. Finally–after what was an incredibly awkward walk–they arrived at a building lined with faded red brick. A bar, she assumed, by the look of some of the pigeons stumbling around a few feet away in the courtyard. Kaz went up the stairs leading to the door without explanation, forcing her to follow. Just before he opened the door, he turned to her.

"Don't kill anyone unless they're going to kill you."

Elham's eyes widened in shock as she quickly looked around, already itching to reach for her sword. "What?"

Without another word, Kaz opened the door and stepped inside.

Upon their entry, any conversations being had immediately ceased. All the men stood up, except for one. He turned around on his barstool without a care in the world, lazily looking between Kaz and Elham. The sudden realization hit her that this was Per Haskell, the leader of the Dregs. Not a particularly scary gang, in Elham's opinion, but they were still a gang.

He let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping. "Kaz Brekker and his Valkyrie. What a pleasant surprise."

"Per Haskell," Kaz said, taking a few steps forward.

"Pekka offered every gang good coin for your beaten corpse and your girl delivered to the Menagerie. His words, not mine. Looks like you bit off more than you can chew."

Kaz ignored his taunts with a clenched jaw, much to Elham's displeasure. "You'll get your chance at that later, but that's not what I'm here for. I need half a dozen men for a job. I'm not here for the washed-up cadgers and cowards...I'm here for the hungry ones. The hard ones. I'm here for the killers. People like me and my Valkyrie."

Haskell looked amused as he listened to Kaz speak, sharing glances with his men. Although, there was a slight look of fear on his face, like he knew danger–real danger–had just stepped onto his turf. Finally, he waved his hand.

"Men!" He called.

The man behind Kaz and Elham locked the door, guarding it. Another wrapped a metal chain around his hand, the others coming to stand next to him. They watched Kaz and Elham like sharks, circling their prey.

Haskell had returned to his drink, speaking like he was bored of the conversation. "Kill this Barrel rat, but leave the girl. I've heard enough about her to know you don't want her haunting you in the night."

Elham quickly looked over at Kaz, imperceptibly raising a brow. They had mere seconds to make a decision, and Kaz's orders from before they came in were echoing in Elham's mind, refusing to leave her be. 'Don't kill anyone unless they're going to kill you' wasn't looking like the most viable option with the way Haskell's men were stalking closer. Kaz raised his cane, setting it on the other side of him. He tapped it to the base of her ankle in rapid succession, before returning it to his side, and it told her all she needed to know.

Fight. Fight, and win. Destroy.

The room erupted into chaos.

The man behind them lunged for Kaz, but he was already two steps ahead. He swung his cane for the man's legs, tripping him. He whacked him in the side, before sticking his can through the slats of a wooden chair by the door. He flung it with anger, sending it shattering over the bar inches from Haskell's head.

Empyrean || Kaz Brekkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن