Chapter 69

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After thinking clearly, Gao Yan still wants to go to Hongyu the next day, of course, if he can't think clearly, he has to go, and his personal feelings and his career must always be clearly distinguished.

Liu Yi's attire has always been unchanged for 10,000 years, black suits and white shirts, even ties only change occasionally, and the most changed is cufflinks. Gao Yan once asked Liu Yi how many suits he had and how many shirts and ties, cufflinks, and the answer was that in several houses combined, the number of suit sets was about hundreds, ties N dozen, more than 200 shirts, and about 70 pairs of cufflinks, so in fact, Liu Yi did not pay attention to clothing as others saw, apparently he, like most celebrities, bought enough clothing to cope with different occasions.

Gao Yan got up in the morning and asked Liu Yi to borrow a pair of cufflinks, and the seven picks in the box made his eyes bloom, he felt that each pair seemed to look the same, but it didn't seem to be the same?

Liu Yi then took the box and asked Gao Yan what he needed.

Gao Yan's mind came up with Yun Chang's pair of cufflinks encrusted with royal blue diamonds, and said very seriously: "Is there the most expensive?"

Liu Yi looked at Gao Yan, looked down and took out a pair of Dupont Prestige series diamond cufflinks from the box, the white gold texture of angular ornaments decorated the details to decorate the delicate belonging to men, and 12 brilliant-cut diamonds each to highlight identity and status. But in fact, the long design of the cufflinks themselves is not conspicuous, very low-key, and at first glance in a bunch of cufflinks, it is not particularly eye-catching.

Liu Yi handed the cufflinks to Gao Yan, glanced at Gao Yan, and the corners of his mouth curved and said, "What cufflinks is that person wearing?"

Gao Yan did not have any research on luxury accessories, and when he saw that the cufflinks were inlaid with white diamonds, he sighed in his heart that this pair must be very expensive and expensive, so he didn't pay much attention to what Liu Yi asked himself, and only replied casually: "Royal blue diamonds, look very expensive."

Liu Yi can understand this, why people who have never worn simple people pay so much attention to the taste image today, Gao Yan is going to see Qiao Xing, worried that he can't drag the face of the high dive back.

Liu Yi couldn't help but smile and said, "Well, this is enough and expensive, if it is not enough, I will bring the canary diamond over next time."

Gao Yan felt very high-grade when he heard the name of the cufflinks, but he didn't think much about it, he always thought that a pair of cufflinks could be expensive, and the things inlaid on them were expensive.

Gao Yan specially changed into a silver-gray suit in the morning, with Liu Yi's cufflinks, the tie was also picked by Liu Yi, and the hair was taken care of by Liu Yi, after wearing it, Gao Yan felt refreshed, standing in front of the mirror and feeling that he was different from usual, and said: "I think I and Hu Lian are similar today." "Well, yes, that's what Song Ming said, that kind of messy and elite taste.

Dongdong jumped from the side, and his mouth was particularly sweet and praised: "Dad is so handsome!"

Gao Yan picked up Dongdong and put his forehead on his head, and instructed: "Today I am at home with Tangyuan, do you want to listen to Orange?" Dong Dong

: "Wow."

Gao Yan was in high spirits, and before going out, he did not forget to praise Liu Yi and praise a "good wife".

Liu Yi has always been very casual in his title, casually calling Gao Yan, so this "good wife" also answered, and after answering, Gao Yan left happily.

Gao Yan recently changed a car, did not drive the original big cut, took Liu Yi's Land Rover over, so on the way to the Hyde Hotel in the morning occasionally opened a window to blow the wind, all attracted the eyes of passers-by, after all, such an eye-catching car as Land Rover, there must be a handsome and "rich" dressed and tasteful young man like Gao Yan, of course, not married and childless, it is simply more perfect!

Gao Yan went to Hongyu, usually when he was about to arrive, he called and talked to Zhang Rongrong, and today was the same, when the car drove downstairs to Haide, and the waiter came to take the car keys to park, Gao Yan found that the person waiting downstairs turned out to be Yunchang.

Gao Yan raised his hand and touched his wrist, walked over, and greeted Yunchang politely, as if nothing had happened yesterday.

Yun Chang's outfit today is much more casual than yesterday, the shirt is buttoned up to ten centimeters above the wrist, the buttons on the neckline are delivered, there is no suit outside, and there is even a pair of white slippers from the hotel on his feet.

Yun Chang smiled, and said as Gao Yan walked in: "Qiao Xing is not there, he flew away last night when something happened temporarily, and he will come back this afternoon."

Gao Yan did not pause, walked in with Yunchang, and said, "I came to see some information, he is not there, it seems inconvenient." Walking

to the elevator, Yunchang pressed the elevator button and said with a smile: "There is nothing inconvenient, he wants to show you, he is not there, you can see it." The

two took the elevator upstairs together, and there was no more topic involved, and Zhang Rongrong was also sent to work by Yun Chang, who received Gao Yan alone.

Gao Yan knew that Yun Chang had something to say to himself, maybe he wanted to explain something, maybe he wanted to explain the current objective situation clearly with himself, and more likely, he wanted to persuade Gao Yan.

Yun Chang took Gao Yan to his room, threw a stack of materials to Gao Yan, sat down on the sofa himself, and said: "Qiao Xing is too careful in doing things, if I am, I will let you take things back to see, some things are not a big deal, even if they are known by some malicious people, it doesn't matter."

Gao Yan took the information, flipped through it, and was stunned to find that the information given to him by Yunchang was more comprehensive, including not only the private transactions of Red Jade, but also the changes in shares in recent years, and even the information of shareholders, family records and identity backgrounds, and even the correspondence and personal relations between shareholders, and more exaggeratedly, there was actually the process of Red Jade's operation!

Yunchang sat on the sofa, stretched his legs, shook, raised his eyes and looked at Gao Yan: "Everyone has a handle, find it and pinch it, you can control the situation." To examine your two shareholders, one has a very serious crime of bigamy, three wives and seven children, of course he hides well, and his wives also know the bottom and will not leak their mouths to him; The other is a sanctimonious philanthropist, while opening a charity dinner with the title of philanthropist to raise funds everywhere, while taking charity funds to buy a mansion for his baby daughter, of course, he is also very low-key, the outside world has almost no criticism of him, a good philanthropist and a good father.

Gao Yan looked at Yun Chang and waited for him to make a final summary, and sure enough, the blond man on the sofa quickly looked at him and said sincerely: "If nothing happens, Red Jade is developing well, these secrets will always be secrets, and no one will say them." But you need to know what is powerful for you and what you can use. Qiao Xing won't tell you this, at least not yet, but I think you need to know.

Gao Yan knew that every large-scale company would have dark and unknown things, just like every tree would have moths, but Gao Yan was a little confused why Yunchang had to say this to himself now.

Yun Chang saw Gao Yan looking at him, so he stood up, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and looked at Gao Yan with deep eye sockets: "Actually, I had a very good opinion of you at the beginning, you are Qiao Xing's son, this is a fact, but at least until last night, I couldn't understand that Qiao Xing would let you open a branch of Red Jade." Like I said at the beginning, the son of a lion may not be a lion in the eyes of others, it may be a puppy, but I think I misunderstood it before. If you are not Qiao Xing's son, Qiao Xing is likely to keep you by his side now, and he has always wanted to find a good enough heir. If you are just his son, he will give you money to give you a house, a car, stock, and everything, but he will not open a branch for you, so I just figured out last night that you must be very good to make Qiao Xing make such a decision. So, I'm sorry, yesterday I gave you something like diamonds as a gift. Qiao

Xing stretched out his hand while speaking, and Gao Yan stretched out his hand to shake it, which was regarded as accepting an apology.

Yun Chang withdrew his hand and continued, "So, since you are a very good person that Qiao Xing fancy, and at the same time happen to be Qiao Xing's son, then I also have to take some responsibility as a shareholder, and I will teach you something that Qiao Xing may not tell you now, not because you are Qiao Xing's son, but because you are Gao Yan." Yun

Chang spoke Daqiao English, and Gao Yan's automatic translation into English became literate, but Yun Chang's words were undoubtedly very comfortable to listen to, which was an affirmation, rightGao Yan's own affirmation, not the affirmation of his identity, and this affirmation came from the very picky major shareholder in the rumors of red jade.

Yun Chang was chatting about business, and Gao Yan naturally excluded his personal emotions as much as possible, and said seriously after listening: "Thank you."

Yun Chang smiled, blinked his eyes, and said with a slightly mischievous expression, "You must not tell Qiao Xing about the things I taught you, some of his ideas are too old-fashioned, and he thinks that my way of acting is more strange and not the right way, God knows what the right way is."

Gao Yan flipped over the things in his hand and nodded, for him, these things were almost the secrets of the red jade core, far more than Qiao Xing told himself, and Yun Chang's way of doing things was indeed less secure than Qiao Xing's but more tempting.

Yunchang took a sip of coffee and said, "Okay, come and sit, I have some personal topics I want to talk to you about."

Gao Yanxin said, "Coming", sat down steadily in front of Yun Chang, his expression was neither humble nor arrogant, Wang Yincheng's indifferent but learned four portraits, and then nodded, indicating that Yun Chang could start talking.

Yun Chang put down the coffee cup, pursed his lips and thought for a moment before saying, "Regarding the relationship between me and Qiao Xing, I want to tell you that we are indeed just ordinary friends.

Gao Yan still looked faint, and only said faintly: "I know, he told me yesterday." Yunchang

raised one hand and touched his temple, with a "headache" expression, smiled helplessly, and said, "No, you don't know, even he doesn't know, how can you know?" Let me start at the beginning. Yun

Chang: "I left home at the age of fourteen, and at the age of sixteen I was officially qualified to start contact business, and when I was eighteen, I was kicked to MIU by my family, and the MIU people couldn't look at me as a hairy boy, so they kicked me to Hongyu, when I met Qiao Xing for the first time, there was no accident, and it was love at first sight." At that time, Qiao Xing satisfied all my eighteen-year-old fantasies about men, handsome, tall, stern, eyes with connotation, serious work, not mixing circles, and the eyes that could never look at me. I chased him for a long time, he bothered me, and after a year he simply kicked me out of Red Jade. I was unwilling, it took four or five years for my family to affirm me, gave me shares in MIU, and after Red Jade financing, I threw a lot of money. Yun Chang said this and smiled again, still smiling bitterly.

"I threw a bunch of money and became a shareholder of Hongyu, but Qiao Xing still couldn't look at me. I was very young at that time, so I asked Qiao Xing why he couldn't do it, and Qiao Xing said that he had a lover. Still too young, if it was enough at that time, I would have figured it out by taking the time to investigate it myself in private. But at that time, I wanted Qiao Xing to say it himself, and I regarded it as a challenge in my growing up, without caring about other people's moods and past.

Then there's the nearly decade-long entanglement that others can imagine.

After Qiao Xing said that the secret emotions in his heart that he never wanted to show people had passed, he completely closed his heart, and he was unwilling to accept even the slightest trace of goodness from others.

And Yun Chang has passed a long period of youth, and finally matured and stabilized in the entanglement of stalking, forward and backward, understood the pain in Qiao Xing's heart, and realized his mistake that he could not turn back.

Yun Chang finally wrapped himself in a rational grooming, and even if he went crazy occasionally, he at least let the people around him and even Qiao Xing see his mature side. Qiao Xing and Yunchang had a relationship that seemed normal to them and others for seven or eight years.

But Yunchang was very painful, and his feelings would only grow longer with the years of experience and precipitation, and he began to find that he could not fall in love with others, and he did not even want to make a scene again. He loves someone very much, but that person does not love him, he cannot fight or rob, and he can even pretend that he does not love him.

Patience for too long, either outbreak or death, Yun Chang was reluctant to leave, and finally could only confess to Qiao Xing, but the process of confession also chose a rational and calm chat method that Qiao Xing could accept.

Yunchang told Qiao Xing what he had in his heart and wanted to seek a relief.

Qiao Xing had just begun to look for Gao Qian and Gao Yan at that time, so he simply let Yun Chang return to China first when he couldn't get rid of himself. Qiao Xing's way is very direct and rude, allowing Yunchang to go through this process, see his lover and children, and maybe witness someone else's family reunion can be dead.

And Yunchang also thought that this was the only feasible way, so he accepted it gladly, he wanted to make the man who Qiao Xing had loved for more than twenty years must be very good, even if he was not excellent, he should have his own unique charm, maybe if he saw it, it would really make him retreat.

It's a pity that fate played a big joke in the end, and no one thought that Gao Dian would die of cancer in his forties.

Yun Chang said, "At that time, there was just something wrong in the business, so I left first, yesterday Qiao Xing ignored me, and no one has come to tell me what I should do." I thought, if your father is still there and he can reconcile with Qiao Xing, then I can also rest assured, and it is always okay to stay away if the blessing is not possible. If he is not willing to be with Qiao Xing again, then Qiao Xing can also die of heart, dead heart, and I will have the opportunity to pursue it again. But I never thought that it would be such a result, I couldn't compete for the high dive in Qiao Xing's heart before, and now I can't compete with someone who is no longer there. Yun Chang's blue eyes were almost red after speaking, and his voice was also blocked, which was very painful.

Gao Yan looked at Yun Chang, he didn't know what to say for a while, people always have two contradictory guesses of bias, Gao Yan felt that Yun Chang was not lying, on the other hand, he felt that Yun Chang might be winning sympathy.

But what good is it to win Gao Yan's sympathy? It's nothing more than for Qiao Xing.

Yun Chang said, "However, it's okay, anyway, I thought about it a long time ago." Qiao Xing is much older than me, I was only thirty-four when he was fifty years old, and when he was seventy years old, I was only in my fifties, when you had your own family, Qiao Xing was old again, I could take care of him, he let me roll at that time I won't roll. There are still some words that Yun Chang did not say, and he felt that it was not good to say it, that is, he felt that God still took good care of him, even if Qiao Xing did not love him, he accompanied Qiao Xing for more than twenty years, he was only eighteen years old when he met Qiao Xing, and he could see Qiao Xing almost all his life, but Qiao Xing and Gao Qian were only a few short years.

Gao Yan didn't speak, looked at Yun Chang, Yun Chang continued, as if it had completely become his personal monologue: "I didn't tell Qiao Xing, don't talk to him." I am a more direct person, and what I said to you is to say, and there is no special meaning. Although I can't understand your father's behavior back then, I respect him and admire you, and I know about places like the Gao family, if I were you, I'm afraid I would have gone crazy a long time ago. "Yunchang is a foreigner after all, and his expression of feelings is very direct, like or dislike, respect or not, all directly expressed, without mincing, of course, there is no need.

After Yunchang finished speaking, he patted his leg and raised his hand: "Okay, this topic ends here, let's talk about something else." Yun Chang jumped off the topic, accidentally saw the cufflinks on the cuffs of Gao Yan's shirt, raised his eyebrows and exclaimed: "Well, you have good taste."

Although the topic spanned a little widely, the special decoration was paid special attention to and praised, Gao Yan still praised Liu Yi in his heart, and then sat quietly, only saying thank you.

Yun Chang: "I think men's taste is in cufflinks, I look at people in addition to their faces and buttocks, generally only look at cufflinks." Gao

Yan = = What's going on with that ass.

Yun Chang was completely unaware of the problem in his words, and then looked at Gao Yan's wrist with interest, and said, "Dupeng's Prestige, you are quite good at spending money, good taste, and other cufflinks?" Yun Chang thought about knowing more, and it would be convenient to give gifts in the future.

As a result, Gao Yan did not have any experience at all on the cufflinks, did not know any brand, and he did not know the other series of Dupeng at all, so he could only bite the bullet, recall Liu Yi's words in the morning, and continue: "Canary diamond." Yun

Chang: "..." Gao

Yan thought what brand the canary diamond was, and after speaking, he was glad that he and Liu Yi had talked about this topic in the morning, howeverWhen he raised his eyes, he saw that half of Yun Chang's face was elongated, and the corners of his mouth seemed to twitch.

Yun Chang said slowly: "How about canary diamond cufflinks?"

Gao Yanjian had never seen it, but thinking that the things Liu Yi used must not be bad, he said, "It's not bad." Yunchang

nodded with an "oh", and suddenly remembered the diamonds he was going to give to Gao Yan yesterday, and he felt a little sweaty in his heart, but fortunately Gao Yan didn't take it in the end, and those diamonds were really too hard to handle.

Gao Yan and Yunchang chatted for a while, and then did not leave, continuing to stay in Hyde to read the information.

Qiao Xing came back in the morning because he remembered Gao Yan's affairs in his heart, and when he came back, he was in a hurry, obviously he didn't rest much or even change his clothes.

However, as soon as he came back, he heard that Gao Yan was staying with Yunchang to ask about Hong Yu, and he almost didn't have high blood pressure.

When I went to Yun Chang's room, the two really sat on the edge of the same long desk, one person sat at the other end, Gao Yan looked at things very seriously, did not find Qiao Xing standing at the door, Yun Chang saw it as soon as he raised his eyes, quietly walked out, and closed the door.

Qiao Xing looked at Yun Chang incredulously and said, "You... How did you do it? "People who looked like they were about to turn their faces yesterday can sit quietly together and read books today?

Yun Chang shrugged, pressing things in his heart, and his expression was very serious: "It's nothing, Gao Yan is a very good person, smart and wise." I have something to ask you. As he spoke, he pulled Qiao Xing aside.

Qiao Xing: "What?"

Yun Chang: "Gao Yan's... Is the economy doing well? Qiao

Xing originally thought that Yun Chang would ask him some incredible questions, but when he heard that it was the "economic situation", he was relieved and said, "It should be okay, his lover conditions are good."

Yun Chang: "Lover? Oh yes, I forgot, he has children. What does he love people for? Qiao

Xing: "The boss of Huarong International, Liu Yi." "

Liu Yi? Canary diamond cufflinks? As if being swooped up by the same rope, Yun Chang's mind flashed, and he was sure that he must know this person! Think about it carefully, which Asian surnamed Liu in Europe bought a pair of canary diamonds in a high-profile way?

Could it be that Andre Liu?

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