Chapter 64

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Gao Yan took the blood card of bean paste and finally failed to really return all the blood, lying on the sofa that afternoon and reading all the materials that needed to be read in the plan, but it was only after reading, memory and Wang Yincheng are not a level, only a little better than ordinary people, and only remembered two or three percent after reading it.

Gao Yan dropped a large roll of A4 paper in his hand on the ground after reading it, buried his face on the sofa and scolded "groove", he felt that his brain was like a bunch of messy things, his braincase hurt, his eyes were a little flowered, and the whole person was a little light-headed.

Wang Yincheng walked over as if he had nothing to do, handed over the cup of coffee in his hand, and said, "Drink something to refresh your mind, let's look at it later."

Gao Yan raised his face, sniffed his nose, and smelled the smell of coffee, "Tired into a dog, you actually made me instant coffee." Said the face buried back into the sofa, if Gao Yan would definitely not be able to distinguish what is instant or not, now the quality of life is really up, the coffee can smell from afar, you can smell good or bad. Of course, this point is also influenced by Liu Yi, Liu Yi's nose is the real tip of the thief, coffee beans can be smelled in any domestic production.

Wang Yincheng sneered, did not force Gao Yan to drink, turned his head and took Liu Heng's private tea leaves out, and brewed a pot of green tea for Gao Yan.

Gao Yan drank a small cup of green tea and rested for a while, before he could be considered to have eased up, raised his eyelids and glanced at Wang Yincheng.

Wang Yincheng sat on the sofa next to him, looked at Gao Yan and smiled: "How painful is it?"

Gao Yan said, "It's really easy to say what the wind is cool. "Turning my head and thinking that Wang Yincheng really has the capital to talk coolly, even if Wang Yincheng is changed to carry it now, this pile of things will be finished in two days.

Gao Yan suddenly remembered something, turned his head and glared at Wang Yincheng, and said, "Why do you have to carry me?" You're also a partner, don't you do the same? As long as those two old antiques sign at the end, what's the difference between you carrying me and me?

Wang Yin was not surprised at all, and Gao Yan slowly raised his eyes as if he said this: "Of course it's different. Hongyu has been open for so many years, and there has never been a branch, only a few branch city offices. Now if I go, then the sensible will not give face at all, let alone investigate, listen to it may not want to listen to more than half a word. That's because of you, because you are Qiao Xing's son.

Gao Yan sighed, raised his hand to show that he knew, this situation Wang Yincheng thought of Gao Yan naturally thought of it; The board of directors is to give Qiao Xing face, Qiao Xing is the real big boss of Hongyu, Gao Yan is Qiao Xing's son, the son inherits his father's business, and now the board of directors wants to see how capable Gao Yan is in the name. It's just that the first reaction of people when they have pressure is not to bear, but to escape, Gao Yanxue has not been to school for a few days, and now he starts to memorize English like a book from heaven, and the whole person is not good.

Wang Yincheng is indeed very idle, ran to the construction site in the morning, came back at noon to cook and clean, after taking a nap, he could take time to make some baking cookies and bread, and then went to the kindergarten to pick up two cubs to pick up bean paste by the way, and make dinner after returning.

Gao Yan had been seeing dinner before, originally thought that he could easily rest and rest, but when Liu Heng came back, he brought back the translated materials by the way, a full 20 pages, and when he handed it to Gao Yan, Gao Yan was first a little dazed, and then a mouthful of blood was directly stuck in his throat.

Liu Yi called back in the afternoon and said that he worked overtime at night, so dinner did not wait for him, Gao Yan's meal ended hastily, and after eating, he almost rushed back with Dongdong, time is a mess, it is difficult to imagine whether the branch can continue to open if he still knows a lot of things in the near future.

After Gao Yan went back, he washed Dongdong white, carried Dongdong back to the room, and Dongdong was very obedient to sleep in bed, not noisy or noisy.

Gao Yan lightly withdrew from the room, spread out the 20 pages of A4 paper that Liu Heng gave him today on the coffee table, turned on the bright living room headlight above his head, intending to fight him 300 times at night.

Just went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water to make tea, and Liu Yi came back over there.

Gao Yan came out with a pot of tea and said suspiciously: "Back?" I thought you were going to be late again. "Huarong's recent stock price is somewhat unstable, there have been no ups and downs in the big market and Wall Street, and policies, and the stock price fluctuations for no reason are indeed worthy of special attention and even worry of the top management." Because the last big fluctuation in Huarong's stock price was four or five years ago, when the war situation was not miserable, but Huarong changed a president for this.

According to the words that Liu Yi hopes that Liu Yi will attach great importance to after the worries of all shareholders at today's shareholders' meeting, he does not want to replace another president because of this stock price change.

Liu Yi shook his head, took off his tie and cufflinks, threw it on the sofa with his briefcase, glanced at the coffee table, and said, "I think you're busier than me."

Gao Yan put the teapot down, wept and walked towards Liu Yi with a sad face, hugged Liu Yi's shoulders, rubbed his face on Liu Yi's suit, and said, "Is there any quick cure for memory?" I was about to vomit blood.

Liu Yi raised his hand and rubbed Gao Yan's hair, pulled the person to the edge of the coffee table and sat down, and did not sit on the sofa, directly leaned against the sofa and sat on the carpet. Liu Yi picked up a translated colloquial English and glanced at it a few times, then looked at the back of a few papers, habitually touched his chin and turned to Gao Yan: "This is not Liu Heng's flip, the person he found for you?" Foreigner?

Gao Yan's face was bitter, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were stretched, like a large dog that had been wronged, leaning on Liu Yi's side, wagging his tail and begging for comfort, "Yes, he is still a university teacher who has settled in China."
Liu Yi looked at the things in his hand, lowered his head and raised his eyebrows: "
Liu Heng can't turn over this level, his level is only enough to brag at the banquet."

Gao Yan cried in his heart: "I'm not as good as him."

Liu Yi pulled his lips and smiled, turned his head to look at Gao Yan, raised his hand behind Gao Yan, rubbed Gao Yan's head again, and said, "It's not that difficult, the most difficult thing for you is the language barrier."

Gao Yan sighed and said, "Yes, I'm afraid that they will come back with a sentence or two of English, and I won't be able to answer."

Liu Yi said: "If you can't answer, you can simply say Chinese, anyway, they can understand, rest assured, according to their habits, they will definitely not interrupt you, will let you finish, if they ask you why you don't use English later, you can answer in English, too focused on the question itself."

Gao Yan said, "What if he says that I focus too much on the problem and ignore the environment, and I am charged with a crime?"

Liu Yi said firmly, "No." In the initial investigation, their thinking is more concerned with whether you are competent or qualified, rather than your ability to distinguish between the environment. This and Chinese's thinking will be different, compared with comprehensive strength, they want you to focus on a certain one, in other words, even if you are not good at the language, it is not a fatal flaw, and harshness will only show that they are not human. The interview is a two-way process, and as your future shareholders, they also want to make a good impression on you.

Gao Yan was stunned, "Is it like this?"

Liu Yi put his arm around Gao Yan, and the two of them were in a shoulder-to-shoulder posture, "Of course, your worries and pressure are transferred to them about two to three percent, if you are more confident, professional-level and even English pronunciation is clear and fluent, their pressure may eventually increase to five points."

Gao Yan continued to be stunned, "Are they really nervous?

Liu Yi smiled, his eyes were very gentle, and it could even be said that his veins were affectionate, like a thousand-year-old iceberg of water, flowing down but with a clean and somewhat messy face: "Of course they will be nervous, the better you are, the more likely they are to be kicked out of the board in the future." Because they don't know what kind of person you are, today's thorn may become the cause and effect of his day. The stronger you are, the more jealous they will be, and when you enter Red Jade you will know how much they are afraid of Qiao Xing, the shareholders of Red Jade and even MIU.

Gao Yan continued to have an ignorant expression as he walked out of the mountain as he fledgling, "Why is it involved with Qiao Xing again."

Liu Yi felt that Gao Yan's current expression was very cute, like a little rabbit with an innocent expression and didn't understand anything, "Because you and Qiao Xing were automatically divided into a category by them, you are father and son, and they know that they need to be afraid of you sooner or later." Liu Yi thought about it and simply put the current situation into accountGao Yan opened up and said, he thought that Qiao Xing might not say it for the time being out of the protection of a father, but Liu Yi felt that Gao Yan needed to know.

"Hongyu has not opened a branch because MIU is jealous of Qiao Xing, the more branches overlap and the more hierarchical networks, the greater Qiao Xing's rights, and the more difficult it is for MIU to control Hongyu. Now that Hongyu is going to open a branch, and it is Qiao Xing's son who suddenly appeared, someone must have checked your bottom thoroughly, for them, it is definitely much better to evaluate you but reject you than to directly deny and offend Qiao Xing. After all, in their opinion, Qiao Xing is such a son as you, Chinese pay attention to the issue of heirs, they may think that directly refusing will offend Qiao Xing and make Hong Yu and MIU turn their faces. Of course, for them, if unfortunately you pass the assessment and are a talent, they don't have anything to lose, Qiao Xing will grow old one day sooner or later, and your inheritance of red jade as a son will definitely be much better than other airborne troops.

After Liu Yi finished speaking, Gao Yan blinked, his mind turned, and he felt that he understood, and it seemed that he didn't understand.

Liu Yi said, "You will slowly adapt."

Gao Yan nodded a little helplessly, but he didn't feel a lot of pressure in his heart, originally this was a path he chose by himself, since he walked of course he couldn't turn back, naturally it didn't matter what detour straight road pressure problem.

He just thinks that that pile of information is really maddening to watch!

Liu Yi glanced towards Dongdong's room and made sure that the door was closed, before he moved his body and sat down behind Gao Yan's side, letting Gao Yan lean on himself, and the two of them were in front of each other, an extremely comfortable and ambiguous posture.

Liu Yi held a piece of paper, approached Gao Yan from behind, and held the person in his arms in the other hand, explaining the English translation in his hand to Gao Yan one by one, and disassembling simple sentences into phrases and sentence patterns that were easy to understand and remember.

Gao Yan gently leaned on Liu Yi at first, but then listened and listened, and said in his heart, how can Liu Yi speak better than a university language teacher? Completely admired the five bodies on the ground, and then found that he could understand without any gods, so he put himself in a semi-relaxed state, leaning in Liu Yi's arms and listening, and occasionally dividing the gods to pull the corners of Liu Yi's suit.

Liu Yi's speed was very fast, basically explaining to Gao Yan while watching, thinking time was talking, and the 20 pages were actually finished before going to sleep.

After Liu Yi said the last English word, put down the paper in his hand, Gao Yan was dazed, and sat up after being shocked: "Finished?" That's all it said?

Liu Yi moved his somewhat numb shoulder and said, "What else do you think?" That's 20 pages.

Gao Yan stood up, flicked his arms and neck to kick his legs, and then pulled Liu Yi up from the ground, his face full of happiness: "Yes!" It's only 20 pages, and it doesn't seem that hard to think about it now. Gao Yan was indirectly encouraged by Liu Yi, and his heart was very happy, which was also a deeper self-affirmation.

Gao Yan was happy for a while, ran to hug Liu Yi again, held Liu Yi's face and kissed a large mouthful, and blinked his eyes: "I'll go to the bath first, do you want to go together?"

Liu Yi laughed, but shook his head: "I still have something, you should wash and sleep first."

Gao Yan did not doubt that there was him, and Liu Yi would often bring home things from work, so he turned his head and went back to his room to get clothes and take a bath.

Gao Yan basically read everything he should see, and then he had to start memorizing English, but it was obviously impossible to correct the pronunciation word by word.

Gao Yan was worried about whether he would invite another oral teacher, but in the morning, before Liu Yi left, he threw him a very small voice recorder.

After Liu Yi left, Gao Yan took the headphones to listen to it, and was completely shocked, a pure and rich English tone came from the earphones, like a low D major, the tone fluctuated, and it was like a note on the black and white keyboard of the piano, which was extremely pleasant to the ear.

And it is the content of Gao Yan's 20 pieces of paper.

Gao Yan was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly called Liu Yi, who had not left for a few minutes, and the phone was quickly connected, Gao Yan hurriedly said: "You said last night that something was just to record me?"

Gao Yan did not deny it over there, and of course did not say yes.

Gao Yan's heart was so moved, but he didn't know how to say it, saying thank you seemed unfamiliar and polite, saying that I love you too much seemed too numb. So he could only be silent for a while, and happily said that he would come back early to eat and hang up.

Gao Yan went to Wang Yincheng with a voice recorder in the morning, it can be said that his heart is full of joy, and a flower can bloom on his face.

Wang Yincheng glanced at the voice recorder in Gao Yan's hand, took the headphones and listened for two seconds and put them down, and he understood the reason why Gao Yan was so happy, but he was a little silly to see Gao Yan, so he reminded: "As for what, listen to Chinese every day, and be excited to be like this in a different language?"

Gao Yan said, "You let Liu Heng speak English, you listen, see if you are excited or not."

Wang Yincheng didn't care, he called Liu Heng at noon that day, and suddenly remembered that he let Liu Heng say two sentences of English at will, and after listening to it, he was stunned on the spot as if he was struck by lightning, and he was in a mental trance all afternoon.

Wang Yincheng looked at Gao Yan still looking refreshed, and finally understood in his heart why Gao Yan was so excited, that is the special fun that men are not good to talk about, as if someone likes to have some small fun in bed, and the two brothers of the Liu family have inherited a very good voice, and have a unique language environment, so a mouthful of English is very tasteful.

Gao Yan held the voice recorder all day long, and his heart was itchy, he simulated in his mind more than once the way Liu Yi spoke English to himself, it was simply sexy, and then a little deeper into the special place of bed, a mouthful of blue-blooded English came out, it was simply immortal!

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