yellow Fever

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Marco's pov

I was walking to Commander Erwin's room after I wasn't feeling well I walked into his room, I softly asked, "Commander Erwin, can I speak with you?"

He smiled and leaned back and replied softly, "sure. what's up?"

I said quietly, "I'm not doing to well and I don't want to go to Hanji for it because they kinda... scare me and perform experiments on me and I don't want that."

Erwin held my shoulders and said softly, "I understand, come here."

he took me to his bed and laid me down, in his bed, He said softly, "just rest for now Marco."

he winked at me and went back his desk, I layed in his bed staring at him tiredly. Erwin was sitting there doing paperwork, my eyes slowly closed.

Then I opened my eyes up, and Erwin was getting ready for bed, he noticed and asked softly, "how are you feeling Marco?"

I mumbled, "tired."

he softly smiled and said, "let's see how feel in the morning."

I nodded, he got into the bed and placed his hand on my shoulder, and rubbed his thumb on it. Eventually I fell asleep.

The next morning I felt weak, so weak I couldn't get up. Erwin saw me awake and walked to my side of his bed,   He looked worried when he saw me awake."What's wrong Marco? Can we get a nurse?"He asked gently."no... No need... I think... it's my stomach... I think..." My voice came out as hoarse whispers, I tried hard to swallow and talk but only gagged a little.

Erwin pet my head and said softly, "you look pale and you have a very mild fever."

I said with a hoarse whisper, "I'm freezing."

Erwin put another blanket on me, and said softly, "I'll get Miche to make you some soup."

he was petting my hair and my eyes slowly closed. Then Erwin woke me up he helped me sit up, he asked me softly, "how are you feeling now?"

"worse." I said weakly, he placed a bowl the bed side table, he took a spoon into the bowl and he said softly, "have some soup Marco."

he brought the spoon to my mouth and I put my mouth around the spoon. I swallowed the soup, he continued to hand feed me, he said softly, "should start feeling better."

I nodded, he again petted my head. I said in a barely whisper, "I'm still cold."

he got up and grabbed another blanket and placed it on me. He asked softly, "do you want me to get you more soup."

I nodded. Erwin said softly as he went towards the door, "I'll get you more soup right away."He then left and I heard footsteps downstairs. I felt hot and sticky, sweat ran down my forehead, so I pulled the covers over myself. I tried to get up but all strength seemed to leave my body.

I felt like I was gonna die, then I coughed a couple of times that sounded like a dog barking.  I started coughing more and more until I was choking. I had black dots in my vision and black spots filled my vision. I was losing consciousness, then everything turned black...I didn't hear anything anymore, I just kept fading away.

"Marco, Marco, Marco."

I tired to open my eyes, I did but my eyes were half open. I could just see Erwin, I was extremely weak. Erwin said with a concerned tone, "Marco, you've been unconscious for 14 hours."

he picked me up and repositioned me. He put another blanket on me. He asked, "how are you feeling now?"

I was about to say something but no words came out, Erwin's facial expression saddened. He got up and said softly, "I'll be back Marco."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 21, 2023 ⏰

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