Part 2: chapter 16

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November 28th

Sighing, I mark the day on the calendar. Sebastian and I hadn't heard from Ominis yet and neither had Poppy.

And I was already nervous enough about my students completing their first final of mine. I glanced at my notes when I realized the time.

Shoot my first year class was starting.

I put my notes down and hurried out of my office. The students were filing into their seats and chatting softly as I walked down the stairs.

"Morning!" I called happily to the class. "I hope you all did your assignments last night. If it's anything like your essays on vampires I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot about ghost. And I hope you all remembered you were supposed to ask one of the ghost at the school a few questions." I had assigned that last part because the first years had been a little scared to talk to the ghost in the school.

"And today we are going to take a little break from dark creatures and learn a little jinx. I know you guys love and excuse to use your wands." All the students stood up as I used my wand to push all the tables to the side.

"We will be learning the knock back jinx, Flipendo." With a wave of my wand the training dummy woke up and rolled in front of me. "No one stand directly behind the dummy okay?"

A little tiny red headed Gryffindor girl stood zoned out behind the dummy. I sighed, "Ginerva Weasley, I would absolutely hate for your older brother to try and kick my butt because you got knocked around by a training dummy."

The class erupted in giggles and Ginerva moved out of the way with her face bright red. I was sure to give her a sweet smile before turning my attention to the dummy, "now remember, I've been doing magic a little longer then you guys so my spell may seem stronger then when you guys do it."

I pointed my wand at the dummy, "Flipendo!" The dummy was flung back so hard it hit against the wall making me and all the students jump. "Bloody hell..." I mumbled and then stopped myself. That was extremely British of me to say.

"Uh... Reparo." I whispered quickly fixing the dummy and making the class laugh at me. "Okay, we will not being telling anyone else that happened. Everyone get your wands and let's practice the motion."

I opened my mouth to talk but a tiny little ravenclaw accidentally did the spell pushing me back a few inches and almost making my dress blow up. "Okay... Miss Lovegood. Let's try that again, but this time please don't actually do the spell. But great job."

The students all practiced for the rest of class until I glanced at the clock seeing it was time for lunch. "Okay, everyone, practice tonight. Not on each other. Like a pillow or a stuffed animal." I quickly corrected myself as the students gathered their belongings and hurried out of the room.

Ginerva hesitated a bit before walking up to me. "Yes Miss Weasley?" I asked kindly.

"Sorry I zoned out again."

I smiled confued, "you don't have to apologize. I'd rather you zone out then explode things." She smiled and ran out of the classroom smiling ear to ear.

"If it isn't my favorite professor." Edward called at the door.

"Out." Without looking back a swished my wand making the door shut on him leaving me alone in the classroom.

I went to go up to the office but when I stepped forward blue swirls suddenly lifted from the ground. I froze looking at it. This hasn't happened in years. I panicked slightly since this always leads to me fighting a statue.

I followed it out of the classroom, down the hall and stairs and straight to the undercroft entry way. I had tried the door many time but it had never opened. But with this happening I had to at least try.

I made sure no students were around and then waved my wand. The clock began to open almost making me jump with excitement. I hurried inside and down the stairs.

"Ominis!" I called running into the undercroft only to find it empty.

The glow was still there so I followed it until i saw the pool of ancient magic on the floor. Using my wand I woke it up as the light engulfed me.

I looked around suddenly realizing it was a different time of day. Ominis stood in the middle of the undercroft in his school uniform.

Confused I walked up to him, "Ominis, why in the world are you in your uniform?" I placed a hand on his shoulder but my hand fell straight through him. "What the fuck?" I asked allowed.

Before I could ask Ominis anything another person who I hadn't seen before entered the room. He looked like a slightly older Ominis but with darker hair. Ominis glanced in his direction before sighing.

"What are you doing here, Marvolo?" Ominis sounded annoyed.

"Our father sent me to pick you up from your last day of school."

"Why would he go out of his way to do that? Or you for that matter?"

Marvolo smirked, "it's time you come work for the family."

Ominis scoffed, "Ah yes, the family business of being Dark Wizards."

Marvolo's smirk didn't falter, "What else could you of all people possibly do? With your hideous disability you are kind of out of luck."

Ominis sighed as Marvolo turned around to leave, "let's go baby brother, I want you to meet my soon to be wife as well." Once Ominis was sure he was alone he slyly hid something between two books before leaving.

"Ava will probably find this eventually." He mumbled to himself before leaving. As he left I was flung backwards and suddenly was standing back in my original spot in the undercroft.

My breathing was hard as I gathered myself before running to the books and finding the envelope Ominis had hid. I practically ripped it apart trying to get the damn letter open.


I knew you'd find this eventually. If you found this it means we probably haven't spoken.

I had known for a while but my family will be forcing me to go back home and live with them. I never had the heart to tell anyone. Especially because I knew either you, Sebastian or even Poppy would try something.

I do hope my disappearing doesn't hurt you all too much. I would stay if I could. Believe it or not I wanted nothing more then to be an Auror with Sebastian or even teach like you.

I'm not saying come and rescue me. It isn't worth it. But if there is a life and death emergency Sebastian knows where my families home is in London.

Always, Ominis Gaunt

He would put his full name in a letter to a best friend.
I folded up the paper and hurried back to my office. I wrote out letters explaining everything before hunting down an owl.

"Please please, deliver these as fast as you can, okay?"

All the owl did was twist its head.

"I'm taking that as a yes."

I stood at the window watching the owl take off. Whether Ominis wanted it or not, we were going to save him.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now