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November 16,

This will probably be my last entry in this journal. I've been loving writing in it but if certain events today go as planned, it will be passed on to my lover, Quackity. Maybe he will write in it, maybe he won't. I don't hold position of the future. Quackity if you're reading this I just want you to know that I actually do care for you. If my plan had worked then I'm sorry. But I did it for everyones sake. I did it for you. It's what's meant to be done. I love you forever, never forget that. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I don't know if you'll ever forgive me, but just so you know, you'll always be in my heart Quackity.

Yours Truly,

Wilbur Soot.

Wilbur's POV

I shed a few tears after putting down the period. I had made up my mind. This needed to be done. Manberg needed to be destroyed. It's the only way to free people from this war. To free Quackity.

Quackity won't need me. What he needs is to be free.

As much as it hurts me, I needed to do it. I'm so grateful that Quackity came. He's given me the best last weeks of my life. I can't believe time went by so quickly.

I ripped a page from the journal and wrote on it.

My dearest Quackity,

I have gifted you with my old journal. You have probably seen it on my bed side table. I'm giving this to you because I trust you with it. I hope you will take great care of it now that you're it's owner. Please promise me you'll keep it safe? Oh and please do not open it and read the contents yet. You will be able to at the end of today.(11/16) or if you prefer, 11/17 if you're a little shocked after today.


Wilbur Soot.

I then taped the page onto the cover and went to go find Quackity. He ended up being in the kitchen with Tommy. "Quackiteeeee!"

Quackity turned on my direction. "Wilbahhh!" He said excitingly. Damn it, I felt even more guilty.

I approached them and stood there. I then glanced over to Tommy and coughed. "Oh, um I'll get going now! See you guys later!" Tommy then quickly walked out of the room.

"So, what did you need honey?" Quackity asked happily.

I blushed. He was so adorable... "I wanted to give you this." I hand him the journal.

Quackity takes the journal. "Isn't this yours Wilbur?"

"Yes, but I want to give it to you." I say then kiss his forehead.

"T-thanks Wil!"

"No problem feathers. I'm gonna prepare now. I'll see you later darling!" I then exited the kitchen to get ready.

Quackity's POV

I looked at the cover of the journal. There was a note from Wilbur.

My dearest Quackity,

I have gifted you with my old journal. You have probably seen it on my bed side table. I'm giving this to you because I trust you with it. I hope you will take great care of it now that you're it's owner. Please promise me you'll keep it safe? Oh and please do not open it and read the contents yet. You will be able to at the end of today.(11/16) or if you prefer, 11/17 if you're a little shocked after today.


Wilbur Soot.

Mm. That's kinda weird. Why can't I open it now? I'll just do what Wilbur asked.


We had Schlatt cornered. Everyone surrounded Schlatt in the camarvan. Schlatt drank more alcohol while arguing with me and Fundy. This man was insane! Schlatt had enough of us and had smashed the empty alcohol bottle on our heads. Luckily, we were wearing armor, so it didn't hurt us. But I still was traumatized because right before I left Manberg he had smashed a beer bottle on my head, making me go threw pain.

Then Schlatt started acting weird. He looked scared and confused. "I can't move my arms!" He yelled.

Shortly after Schlatt gasped, and fell to ground. All the colour in his skin was fading. Everyone was quite confused at what just happened. I was too.

I look to Wilbur, to see if he knew anything. He shook his head signaling that he didn't know what had just happened.

"I think he's dead..." Dream says like it's a question.

Then I had a quite weird, but fun idea. "Well he might've just passed out." I start, walking towards his body. I then pull out my sword and stab it in his body. "And now he's dead for sure.

Everyone just seemed to be ok with it. I wasn't quite satisfied yet though. This man put me threw so much. He deserved to suffer, even if he's already dead. I slowly cut the sword around the area of his heart.

I then get my hand and jabbed it into his body, searching for his heart. Lots of people gasped as I did it. I finally found his heart, and ripped it out of his body, as blood spattered everywhere. "That's what you get bitch for stealing my heart and just using me in the end. So, for my revenge I'll be eating your heart, "pumpkin"." I kick his dead body as I take a bite out of his heart.

People were quite shocked. Some were happy but disgusted. And Wilbur was cheering me on. Gosh, I love him.

I finished eating his heart and we all walked out of the camarvan. I licked my fingers clean of blood as everyone just stood in silence, wonder what to do. I decide to break this silence. "What are you guys waiting for? Let's celebrate!"

Everyone started getting hyped up and looked at Wilbur. He was the rightful president after all. Not Schlatt.

Wilbur smiled and nodded as we went to the podium in Manberg. Wilbur and Tommy walked up there. Wilbur tapped the mic a few times to see if it was working properly before speaking into it. "Hello everyone. As the former president of L'manberg, I am glad to say L'manberg has been freed from Schlatt's evil doings and is going back to its loving, and free state."

Everyone cheered. "Though, not everything will go back to normal. You will have your new president, Tommyinnit." Wilbur smiled at Tommy.

Tommy was quite shocked as everybody else. Tommy went up to the mic. "Hey everyone. I guess I'm the new president of L'manberg! But I must say. I can't take this role. Too much responsibility... I am ok with the role I've got, so I'd be happy to give the role of president to my good friend Tubbo!"

Tubbo looked at me. "Tubbo go! It's your big moment! I'm so proud of you." I smile at Tubbo and kiss his forehead.

"Thank you mama." Tubbo said then went up to the podium. Everyone cheered him on.

Tubbo went up to the microphone. "W-wow. I don't know what to say! This is an honor! I promise, as president, I will do my best to keep this country safe and I won't let the same thing happen when my father was president."

Then everything was interrupted. Two withers were spawned in by Techno.

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