-8- Lavender date -

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The goats return

Quackity's POV

I walked out of Potopia to see Wilbur in a very nice suit. Gosh, he was so handsome, but there was something off about him. He looked at the floor, looking confused. "Hey Wilbur!"

He looks up and blushes. "Hello feathers. You look stunning." He smiles then kisses me on the cheek softly.

I giggle. "Thank you Wil, you look very handsome yourself." I say as I grab his arm. "So, what did you want me here for honey?"

"Well I wanted to take you on a date." Wilbur smiled down at me. "Let's go I have a place that I think you'll like a lot." Wilbur then took my hand and we were off.

Wow, Wilbur gave me so much attention... I guess I am a little attention starved. Schlatt never took me on dates, let alone any attention. I love how Wilbur actually cares for me. And I care for him.

He took me to a little waterfall place with a big flower field, mostly of lavenders. And right by the waterfall was a small picnic blanket, and a nice set up. "Wow, Wilbur this place is gorgeous!" I say as I look around in awe.

Wilbur laughed. "I knew you would like it. Come on!" And he took me over to the picnic blanket. We both sat down and Wilbur opened the little picnic basket in front of us. He had packed strawberries, oranges, tea sandwiches, and some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies shaped as hearts. He had also brung two wine glasses, and of course a bottle of wine.

"Wilbur... I don't know what to say! You didn't have to do this for me you know." I spoke.

"I want to do this for you." He said then kissed my nose. I blushed hard. I think I've found the one... I feel like I had just fallen in love all over again!

Wilbur handed me a glass and poured some wine into it, then poured some into his. "Cheers." I smile. He smiles back and we clash our cups together then took a sip.

Wilbur then picked up an orange and took a bite into it. I decided to take a strawberry. "Hey Wilbur." He hummed in response. "Thank you for this. You didn't have to, but you did. And I'm really grateful to have you as my boyfriend." I smile as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Of course darling. You were going through hell with Schlatt. You deserve it Quackity. You deserve to be happy." Wilbur says as he places his hand on my thigh.

We stayed in that position for a while. Just enjoying each other's company and ate as we listened to the sounds of the splashing sounds from the water fall.

After a while, Wilbur had spoken up. "Hey Quackity, what's your favourite flower?"

"Lavender, why?"

Wilbur carefully got out of the position we were in and picked some lavenders from the grass. Once he got a hand full he grabbed one last one and tied it around the bouquet, and making the lavenders stay together. He then came back and handed them to me.

I blushed and smiled. "Thank you Wilbur." I say then kiss his lips softly then letting go shortly after. Wilbur turned cherry red then gave me his charming smile. Gosh I was obsessed with his smile...

We were just enjoying ourselves, then someone spoke up...

"Well, well, well. Isn't this a surprise?" A strong, and loud voice said. Me and Wilbur turned around to be faced with Schlatt.

Me and Wilbur stood up. Wilbur drew his sword while I pulled out my bow. "Schlatt, you better get the fuck away from here." Wilbur spoke loudly but not yelling.

"And what if i don't? Pumpkin! Come here, I know you're scared of Wilbur but won't admit it. But it's ok I'm here for you!" Schlatt smirked with his arms wide open. Assuming he wanted me to jump into his arms.

"I'm not your fucking "pumpkin" anymore. I actually don't feel safe when I'm with you. Unlike you, Wilbur actually cares for me and doesn't use me when he's horny." I yelled. I didn't want anything to do with Schlatt! Why the fuck was he here.

"But pumpkin, you didn't give me the divorce papers. So, you're still mine."

"Oh I signed them. But i couldn't stand to see your ugly ass face. So, I'm not yours actually. I don't fucking love you." I say sassyingly.

Wilbur laughed as Schlatt turned furious. Schlatt then threw a hard slap in my face. My face stung, and was probably red from how hard he did it. Wilbur put his sword to Schlatt's throat. "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HIM." Wilbur yelled.

He plunged it a little more into his neck and it started to bleed. "Fuck sorry!" Schlatt screamed. Wilbur took his sword away and pulled out some tnt.

"Now, you don't want to know what I can do. So I suggest leaving us alone if you want to end up alive." Wilbur spoke, taking a lighter out of his pocket.

"Ok! Ok! I'm leaving!" Schlatt then quickly sped walked away, but before he fully left he turned around. "QUACKITY YOU'RE A FUCKING WH0RE!" Schlatt yelled then left.

I felt tears prick my eyes. "Hey, hey it's ok." Wilbur rushed and cupped my face. "That's not true Quackity. You're not a wh0re. He's just jealous. You're a wonderful person Quackity, so don't let him get into your brain."

I sniffled. "Thanks Wil." I then hugged him tightly. His arms wraps around me too. "I love you."

I love you too, Quackity."

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