Writing Is A Passion

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Woman: Writing is a lot harder than you think.

WendyyWolfe: How do you mean?

Woman: I post about it on Twitter. Writing is not an easy feat. Plus, people don't even write anything, except stare at a blank screen or paper. I tell my students that all the time.

Me: Writing is a passion we all enjoy.

Woman: Writing a story is very intimidating.

WendyyWolfe: Your negativity is intimidating! We writers have a gift! You're nothing but a Debbie Downer!

Me: Facts!

Woman: I said, writing is intimidating!

Brandon: *turns on the vacuum cleaner, and sucks the woman in it*

Woman: *getting sucked into the vacuum cleaner* Whoa hey!

Brandon: The fictional realm, where unpredictable things can and will happen! *winks*

This story was written on Saturday, May 20th, 2023. (Armed Forces Day)

A/N That know it all woman has no clue what she's talking about! Writing is a passion us authors enjoy! ❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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