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The next day, Y/N and Cal were in the room of requirement, they were training, with Y/N trying to levitate the weights while doing a handstand on one hand.

He was struggling to keep his balance as Cal read the books out loud to him.

"A Jedi acts in defence, never in aggression, we are keepers of the peace."

"But what if you need to attack first in order to keep the peace." Y/N asked as Cal looked at him.

"Then it is in defence of the innocent. No matter what, we never attack out of hatred." Cal explained as Y/N fell onto his back. "Focus. Again."

Y/N nodded and tried again, his arms growing tired, they had been doing exercises like this for hours now.

Cal began going through some basic knowledge of the force as Y/N's arm was starting to shake from exertion.

"Don't let your arm be what holds you up. The force will help you keep your balance, your arm is just a way for you to centre yourself. Like a steering wheel, your arm controls your direction as do your legs, but the force will keep you upright."

Y/N focused, calming his breath as he maintained the handstand, allowing the force to assist him, he eventually moved onto standing on three fingers, then two, and finally on one. Cal looked at him impressed and then at the floating weights all around him.

"Good job. Excellent, alright." Cal said as he thought up an obstacle course, complete with climbing and sheer walls with seemingly no way to climb them. "Through the force you can move faster, and you are more agile than non force users. I want you to use your own initiative for this, we'll keep trying for however many sessions it takes. You have to complete the course. This will be a test of focus, agility, initiative and speed. To give you an incentive, my best time is 29 seconds without training attackers, we'll move onto training attackers next year though. For now, you got 29 seconds to beat, beat it...and I'll get you a broom to replace the school provided broom."


"Well you're not gonna be catching too many golden snitches on that old twig." Cal said as he smirked at the boy. "Come on, get to it."

Y/N began running along the long platform and jumped over a small gap.

"Good." Cal said as Y/N began hopping along a stepping stone arrangement of poles. His foot slipped and he fell from a pole, falling to the floor and landing on his back.

"Ow." Y/N groaned as he stood back up.

"Why do we fall Y/N?" Cal asked as Y/N looked at him.

"So that we can learn to pick ourselves up." Y/N answered as Cal nodded.

"Correct, back to the start." Cal said as Y/N stood up and climbed up onto the platform again. "Go!"

Y/N began running again, jumping over the small gap and landing before running along the pole, mis-timing his step as he fell and hit his head on a pole before falling to the floor. Grunting in slight pain as he stood back up again.

"Again." Cal said as Y/N climbed onto the platform, beginning his run again and running along the pole, making it across the stepping stone poles and moving along to a long pole the width of a small tree trunk. He hesitated before he ran along the pole until his foot slipped and he fell.

"Oof!" Y/N grunted as the wind was knocked from him.

"Again." Cal said as Y/N remained on the floor for a few moments, Cal walked towards Y/N and held his hand out.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just...I'm just gonna stay here for a while, admire the ceiling." Y/N said as Cal chuckled as he helped Y/N to his feet.

"Come on. Let's take a while to meditate, you can go at it again later." Cal said as Y/N nodded and stood up.

"I can do it master." Y/N said as he began the course again, running, he began hopping over the standing poles, his foot missing the mark as he fell, just about managing to grab the pole with, he climbed back onto it and crossed the poles before continuing his run, trying to run over the pole but he slipped, falling and hitting his ribs on it before he hit the floor.

"That's enough." Cal said as he helped Y/N to his feet. "Come on, morning feast starts in a few minutes, and you've got quidditch today, gotta keep your strength up."

Y/N and Cal arrived at the great hall, where Y/N joined Hermione, Harry, and Ron they began talking about the troll incident...

The Wizard From A Galaxy Far Far Away (Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن