The Sorting

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All of the students stepped off of the Hogwarts express, with Y/N, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all stuck together. As everyone stepped off of the train they all gathered around Hagrid who led them all to the small boats that took them to Hogwarts.

 As everyone stepped off of the train they all gathered around Hagrid who led them all to the small boats that took them to Hogwarts

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They all walked up the stairs and were stopped outside the great hall by McGonagall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." McGonagall was interrupted by the sound of a toad and then a boy Y/N could only guess was Neville rushed to grab the toad.

"Trevor!" Neville shouted as they ran and picked up a toad, Neville looked up at McGonagall and gulped. "Sorry."

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." The deputy headmistress said calmly as she walked into the Great hall to check that the preparations were complete.

"So it's true, what they're saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." A boy with white slicked back hair said, Y/N looked at him once and knew his type, the rich kids who cry to their fathers if they get into trouble. Or as he called them, assholes. "This is Crabbe and Goyle...and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

Ron snickered while Y/N was holding back a laugh. Malfoy glared at Ron.

"Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask you yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? you must be a Weasley-" Malfoy said as he turned to Harry and Y/N and offered to shake hands with them. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Neither of you want to go making friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there."

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks."

McGonagall patted Malfoy on the shoulder with a scroll.

"We're ready for you now. Follow me." She said as she lead them into the great hall where the ceiling looked like the night sky and candles were floating. Y/N was walking alongside Hermione who was explaining the ceiling to him.

"Of course, It's not real the ceiling, it's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I've read about it in Hogwarts: A History." Hermione said, Y/N knew but he decided to let her talk as he looked around.

"It's...amazing." Y/N muttered under his breath as the group of first years all came to a stop at the front of the hall. McGonagall began to speak.

"Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." She said as Dumbledore rose from his seat.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note, that The Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr Filch, has asked me to remind you all that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds, to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." Dumbledore announced before sitting back down. McGonagall opened up a scroll.

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