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VI. Long Distance
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*ృ༅*. 𝕬𝖒𝖞 is breathless, as if she is the one running for dear life, running away, so far and fast. "Silver, stop. We're safe."

But he keeps running. The world is a smear of colour. She sees they are no longer in the palace, long gone, far away; somewhere in the woods. And somewhere in the woods, what seems like the middle of nowhere, is when Silver stops, setting Amy on her feet.

"We can never be safe," he tells her, "with that liar for a king." A pause. "I know you would never lie, Rosy. It was only that I found it hard to believe. I no longer do. Forgive me for ever doubting you and your words."

She squeezes his hand. "I forgive you. But you must take me back. Before he gets suspicious. Sonic doesn't know my plans. I need it to stay that way."

Silver vehemently shakes his head. "I cannot take you back, Rosy. He'll discover your secrets in time. And I have heard from my fellow scouts . . . Shadow's words are true—the humans are upon us. Just days away."

He cups her face in his hands. "I need you safe. From them. From him. From ev'ryone with darkness in their heart."

"Then let's go home." Amy holds his hands, melting in them. Melting at the idea, at his warmth, at the intimacy. "Stay there. Until it's over."

"What will we do? When it is?"

Amy's heart aches, for just a few heartbeats. "What do you want to do?"

"Stay with you. Stand by you. Wherever, whenever, whatever. If you'll have me, my Princess."

She clenches his hands; enough to gather his attention, but not enough to hurt. "I know we're nowhere near sixteen . . ."

Amy Rose falters. Saying it out loud—it seems silly.

"But . . . ?" inquires Silver.

A breath. Now or never!

"Will you be the king to my queen?"

There is no hesitation. "Yes."

And he kisses her, long and deep.


*ృ༅*. 𝕽𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖊 squeezes Amy into a hug before she can take three steps inside the mansion. The pink hedgehog is spun around and squeezed once more for good measure before returned to her feet.

"I'm so happy to see you," Rouge continues. "And surprised."

"Green Hills isn't safe." That was all she said about it. She turns when movement catches her eye; Shadow enters the kitchen, helping himself to a bread bun.

"Your little plan worked," she tells him.

But Shadow just shakes his head with the lamest shrug, eating the bun in three big bites. "I don't care. I made my point. The truth is revealed, no matter who does or doesn't believe it."

"You have wounded him," Silver adds. "Anyone with eyes saw that. But is it enough to denounce himself?"

Shadow's bark of a laugh startles them all. "He'll never give up the crown. He's going to hold on to it until he's cold and dead. Take it to his grave."

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