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It's two weeks away from Christmas and we need to go to Bradford in a week cause we gonna go three days before Christmas and leave on the 2nd of January I am surprised that Dad is gonna stay all the vacation "ZAYN LET'S GO!" We are supposed to go shopping for presents but he has been doing his hair for the past twenty minutes "I AM COMING" I swear I am gonna leave him here and go alone, I put on my jacket cause it's so cold and also snowing a bit and sat down on the sofa and turn on the TV.

Forty-five minutes later and he came out ready to go I sat up turned the TV off and looked at him "I swear to God if you ever say something cause I am late or something I shave your hair off" He rolled his eyes and I grabbed my phone he grabbed the keys and I followed him to the lift, "Can you not be mad?" I looked at him "I am being serious" He laughed pulling me to him and pressing the button to the garage.

"So I was thinking that after Bradford we come back here for five days we celebrate your birthday with the group and on the 8th we leave somewhere for your birthday just me and you" I have a surprise for his birthday and well for Xmas his present is already brought and shipped to Bradford cause he will see it here, "Love you don't have to ask or think that I will say no of course  I agree" I smiled grabbing his hand and he glanced a bit but kept focusing in driving "Great cause I have a surprise for you" He smiled "You didn't have to my love" I rolled my eyes, "Shut up" I replied laughing causing him to join "Let's go shop" I walked out grabbing his hand and he locked the car and we walked off.

We have been shopping for three hours and we shopped for everyone and also for ourselves "Wait Zayn let's go to Sephora" He was about to say something but didn't just grab my hand and we walked inside our bodyguard came to meet us to help us with everything and due it's packed we thought it's better to be safe, Zayn stopped to take some pictures there and there and I took some pictures also when they asked for them "Babe you have this one?" I looked at him finding him holding Fenty "Yes but not in that colour" I grabbed it from him and put it in the small shopping cart, "More make up yay" I rolled my eyes and continue to look around putting stuff in the cart. 

I paid for the makeup making sure Zayn wasn't looking and walked to him "We go, babe?" He turned around "I go pay" I shook my head showing him the bag "It's paid" He sighed grabbing my hand "Next time let me pay" I shrugged and we walked out of the shop "Can we go eat?" He nodded and told the bodyguard "He's gonna go put all the stuff back home and we are going to go eat something and tonight we order Chinese and watch movies" I nodded saying thanks to the bodyguard and we went to the car.

*Back home, later that night*

"Babe?" I fell asleep, after we came from lunch we had a little fun and I slept and woke up now at seven I looked around and he is nowhere until I saw a note on the table so I grabbed it and read it.

Went to grab Chinese and some sweets also until I come you can enjoy a long shower cause you know ;) Be home by 7:30 I love you xx

I smiled and decided to text back some messages and emails and took a shower. Seven-thirty and he is not here but maybe the food took longer so I decided to do candles to be romantic and turned on the TV and turned off the lights after a few minutes I heard the lift dinged and I sat up from the couch "Wow it's amazing baby" I smiled walking to him kissing his lips "I love you" I grabbed the food "I love you too" I replied and we sat down on the couch snuggling a bit and started to eat while Zayn threw a movie.

"Do you ever consider moving back home?" The movie was done and we stayed cuddling and drinking some wine while munching the sweets and Zayn smoking "I mean sometimes but not for now for sure I wish my family would move here but it's hard" I nodded taking a sip "And you? If you ever want to move houses and it won't be in NY where do you want us to move?" I loved that we said 'we' I looked at him "LA for sure but also consider Europe" He pulled me closer "If one day we are fed up here we move to LA, for me I don't care where we cause when I'm with you it's always home" He whispered that made me tear up "I love you and can't wait to start our new chapter together and also I can't wait to have our family" He kissed me on top of my head "And I can't wait for that chapter my beautiful" I put away the glass and turned to him and kissed him "Round three?" I chuckled shrugging "All your's my future baby daddy" He burst out laughing causing me to laugh too but pulled me on him and kissed me "And I'm yours, my baby mamma" I swear this man. 

We ended up in the bedroom having our all night fun.

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