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We arrived at Zayn's therapy it still feels like we never broke up. He sat down on a chair and sign for me to sit and I did what he told me "Hey Zayn, Max did not come today?" A guy that looks like he was in his forties said while sitting next to Zayn, "No mate but my girlfriend came, Yasmin meet Clint he's the leader, Clint meet Yasmin" I smiled and shook his hand "So you are the famous girl he talks about" I blushed "glad you got your woman back mate" he patted his back.

Clint was talking and the others were listening I looked at Zayn and saw him focused which made me smile "So everyone we are gonna do the update of our week, You can start Sabrina" We were listening to everyone's story and everyone has someone with him, hearing these stories made me realize that some of them are way worst and some are not even bad but they started therapy so they won't end up bad.

"Hi My name is Zayn and my week was amazing for starters I found these sick sneakers" making everyone laugh "I went out with my lads we went hiking and let me tell you I never laughed that hard cause seeing Max going up the hill while almost on his knees was the highlight of that day" I didn't go but Max did send me pictures of Zayn walking and making fun of him but he doesn't have to know "and today I released my Music video the one that I told you all about but the best thing that happened to me this week was" he looked at me smiling then looking at them, "Today the girl that I always talk about came back and finally I can call her mine again well not yet I still have to ask again but I know she will say yes if she doesn't then prepare to hear more again" I laugh "well for me that's all" he sat down and Clint continued with the therapy.

After therapy, Zayn drove me back home and didn't bother to go into the parking cause the paparazzi weren't there "I pick you up at 8 pm" I nodded and kissed his cheek "I'm glad I came with you and I am proud of you" he smiled "and I am glad that today you came back into my life and you know what?" I looked at him confused "It's the 25th of October" I gasped "Oh my god it's our date" he nodded "So that means it was a sign from the shooting start" I laugh, "I see you later Malik" and with that, I walked out and went into the building and to my penthouse.

*8 PM*

Val and Tar came over to help me get ready and I am feeling nervous like it was our first date hell I wasn't like this "he is here"  Val said "I look okay?" they gasped "bitch you look amazing. Now shoo" I laugh at Tar's comment and said bye and went downstairs and saw Zayn with a beautiful boutique of flowers in his hands and wearing black pants with a white shirt "You look beautiful" I blushed "You look hot" he gave me the flowers "for you my love, now let's go" I grabbed his hand and we walked out of the building. "Since you never got to ride it I came with the car that you brought me" I laugh and went inside he closed the door and went into his seat.

"Put on your seatbelt love and if you feel cold just turn on your seat heater" I smiled and looked at him "Didn't know it comes with these staff" he laughed "Babe, I know but it's fine cause one day you will have yours" I shook my head "No, I want a red Lambo" bursting out laughing "well I buy you a Lambo" looking at me then at the road, "hell no besides I will buy the Porsche Cayenne so I can drive the kids in style like always" he burst out laughing "And then they see me coming with the GT for them" I rolled my eyes making him laugh even more.

We arrived at the restaurant and I noticed that it was the very first restaurant that we came to for our first alone date "I wanted to create our first date as a way of something new" I wanted to cry but I hold the tears back "I love it" he gave me a wink and walked out giving the key's to the Valet and came to open my door and I walked out "thanks" he smiled and we walked inside.

"I met up with the lads" I looked at him with wide eyes "You did?" he nodded eating his chicken "Yeah I missed them and they want to make another get-together when we all have time" I smiled "and I want you to meet them, they know about you and we always texting they gave me a long ass speech but today when I told them that you came back Niall burst out crying with happiness" I grabbed his hand smiling "I am glad you guys are talking and I would love to meet them" his smile got wide "great!" and with that we continued to talk and update each other of what happened in these past five months cause the groups didn't tell us everything.

"Yas I want to ask you something" I put down the glass of wine and looked at him, he grabbed my hand "Can I make you mine again? and be my girlfriend?" the tears came down and I nodded hard and kissed him "I would love to be your girlfriend again" he kissed me back and I pulled back and sat down "waiter the dessert please." 

I got my future husband back.

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