All You Had- Chapter 1: Willow

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Duncan stared into the dark water. His reflection looked right back. The sky was taken over by a deep shade of gray. The clouds rumbled. Raindrops crashed into the water, Duncan's reflection disarraying. His dark wavy hair became wisped and slicked. His shirt was soaked, sticking to his chest and arms. Duncan clenched his fists as tears rolled down his face. He wasn't an idiot. He knew he was the reason that Sarah's life had fallen apart. He had to stay strong for her. He was all she had. But he just couldn't keep it in any longer. He didn't dare to let Sarah see him break down, so he ran.

He ran through the rain, his boots splashing in puddles that are hidden by the tall, dry grass. He pushed past the trees that surrounded the farm. Behind it all was a lake. Thin tall trees surrounded it, but what stood out the most was a willow tree. It hung over the dark water. He had always sat under the tree on hot, rainy evenings after a grueling day on the farm. He knew his mother wouldn't come looking for him. She was already having her own breakdown after an emotional trip to Sydney. But these feelings brought a new meaning to the tree. It brought pain and sorrow. It was lonely. Like him. The willow tree was the only one of its kind around. The night that he learned the truth, he could see regret in his mother's eyes. She regretted him.

Duncan crawled closer underneath the willow tree. He layed back and closed his eyes. He let the rain drop onto him, washing away salty tears that crawled down his freckled face. 

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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