01: Library

Depuis le début

Rose laughed at my comment and ticked of some of the bills, she'd recently paid.

"Mom, we seriously need to move out of this place! These walls are thin and 'viagra' guy won't keep it down." Although Rose was not my biological mother, she was the closes thing to a mother I ever had when mine departed. I was never allowed to call her Rose since she literally saw me as her own. Rose had a son, but he was ten years older to me and was a cop in another city.

"Sweetheart, the houses in town are not beyond my pay grade. Besides, this was the most affordable place I could afford and look we have a great view of the mountain, from your balcony room and we get free parking down at the basement of this fine establishment, so I don't know what you're complaining about?"

'Oh, yes Mercutio baby, right there,



That noise, made me cringe and internally made me scared. He was rather loud today.

I tried not to blush as my adoptive mother nonchalantly ignored the sexual cries next door. As long as the place was affordable and cheep she didn't mind the loud noises.

Other than the mysterious sex hungry guy next door. The only ones we knew in the eight floor apartment building were the Robinsons that lived a floor down from us. They were a nice couple that worked at the local council in town.


We both rolled our eyes finding the sound of the back head board moving against the wall, rather fast.

"Ok, what's with that noise anyways? I thought this place doesn't allow dogs!" I raised my voice, hoping that the lovers next door would keep it down.


Clearly, I was mistaken.

"Hmm, well perhaps it does now?" Rose laughed finding the response funny, then she switched on the TV to die down their erratic sounds of our horny pants neighbour next door.

'In local news, three bodies were found mauled by the mountain lions again on River Peak mountain, locals and tourists alike are urged not to go hiking up the mountain for some time as the park rangers ―"

Sadly, there had been a rise in animal attacks. Thankfully, non occurred too close to town.

I ignored the rest of the horrid news, and grabbed my brown puffer coat since I couldn't stand the sounds of the erratic lovers next door.

'Oh yes, Mercutio yes baby, right there, don't stop, don't ahhhh! Yes, ahhh!!!' Moaned out the girl making me internally cringe.

I wish we had sound proof walls.

"Katie-cakes where are you going? I thought we were going to watch the latest Scream movie?" Rose asked, knowing how I loved my horror/thriller movies. I was looking forward to movie night with her, but with the mysterious nymphomaniac next door with his usually long, happy hours I didn't wish to stick around. I was tired of wearing my headphones constantly to block the high elated, sexual noises.

"I actually want to check out the library in town, plus I want to get away from that noise, so I'll be home in the next hour or two?"

The Beast of MonteroOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant