Chp:-6 The Truth?

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I was in the restaurant engrossed in researching to curate more of Indo-French recipes and how to do trials. I heard my phone ring. I answered without looking at the caller id.

I took a deep breath as I heard Ayesha's voice on the other end of the line. It had been too long since we had talked, and I was grateful for the chance to catch up with my best friend. As we chatted about our lives, I found myself opening up to her about something that had been bothering me since yesterday.

I took a deep breath and said, "Well, I have some news to share with you. Jerk Singh Raizaada, apologized to me for his so-called behavior towards me in the past."

Ayesha was surprised and said, "What? Really? That's amazing news, Dakshita! You finally got your best friend back and your old crush back!"

I took a deep breath and recounted the embarrassing encounter that Abhishek and I had at my cousin Soham's wedding reception, how he had called me a slut for supposedly throwing myself at him when I didn't. I also told her about how he had always thought of me as a bully and how he believed I had bullied his fiance Kashish in high school.

"Apart from that, he sounded sincere while apologizing to me in the coffee shop," I added. "But I don't know, I still have this bad feeling that something is off."

Ayesha tried to reassure me, "Dakshita, I understand that Abhishek was a jerk to you, but maybe he really is sorry and wants to make amends and wants to make things right. You're overthinking it."

"I hope you're right, Ayesha," I said, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Ayesha then asked me about the unofficial ecole mondiale holi party where things had gone wrong between Kashish and me.

"What went wrong in that party, Dakshita? Why aren't you telling the truth?" she asked, her voice curious. "What are you hiding from everyone?"

I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to talk about it, but then decided to let it out.

"Kashish was bullying someone, and I was trying to protect them," I said, my voice quiet.

"I didn't want to make a scene, so I didn't confront her directly. But it seems like Abhishek took Kashish's side, and that's why we drifted apart." I said

Ayesha was quiet for a moment, and then she said, "I'm sorry that happened to you, Dakshita. But you did the right thing by standing up to Kashish. And who knows, maybe Abhishek will finally see the truth and come around."

I wasn't sure if I believed that, but I appreciated Ayesha's support. We continued chatting for a while longer, and by the time we hung up, I felt a little bit better about everything. Maybe Abhishek was sincere, and things would finally get better between us. Only time would tell.


The sound of crashing pins filled the air as me, Abhinav, and Randheer competed in a lively game of bowling. Laughter echoed through the bowling alley as we playfully teased each other, reminiscing about old times. After a few rounds, we decided to take a break, catching our breath and settling into comfortable seats.

Abhinav, spoke up, "Guys, I'm famished. Let's go grab some lunch at a nice place. I know just the spot."

Randheer and I agreed in unison, feeling our appetites awaken as well. We made our way to the car, with Abhinav behind the wheel. As we drove through the bustling streets of Bombay, my mind was burdened with a weight I had carried for too long.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to Abhi & Randy and began, "You know, guys, something has been bothering me. I recently apologized to Dakshita for my past behavior toward her. I realized I was a jerk, especially after that embarrassing encounter at Soham's wedding reception."

Abhinav's face lit up, and he exclaimed, "Well, it's about damn time you did, Abhishek. She's a fantastic chef and a wonderful person. I'm glad you finally apologized."

Randheer chimed in, a hint of curiosity in his voice, "Apologizing is one thing, but what's the motive behind it, Abhishek? Why now? Is it related to what happened between Kashish and Dakshita at that unofficial Holi party?"

Abhishek hesitated for a moment, contemplating his response. He replied sincerely, "Yes, kind of. I trust Kashish, but there are some unanswered questions. I feel like Dakshita is the only one who can shed light on what truly transpired that day. I apologize to her not only for my past behavior but also to seek some answers."

Abhinav and Randheer exchanged concerned glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. Randheer spoke up gently, "Abhishek, Dakshita is a nice girl. She's not capable of doing anything wrong. Perhaps Kashish is hiding something from you, and you've misunderstood Dakshita. She's not a bad person; someone must have painted her in a negative light."


They continued their conversation, delving deeper into the complex dynamics between Abhishek, Kashish, and Dakshita. Abhinav and Randheer shared their insights, offering their perspectives and wise advice. They were always neutral about Kashish for Abhishek's sake. They reminded Abhishek of the importance of trust and communication in any relationship.

By the time they arrived at the restaurant, Abhishek was lost in his thoughts. As soon as Abhinav parked the car and they got out, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw the name "Le Jardin de l'Étoile" adorning the Raichand Hotel's entrance. It was Dakshita's restaurant.

Abhinav and Randheer followed Abhishek's gaze, noticing his astonishment. Abhinav smiled knowingly and said, "Well, Abhishek, it seems like destiny has led you here. Let's go inside and see what fate has in store for you."

Randheer chuckled and they high-fived each other. I glared at them.

Stepping into the elegant surroundings of Le Jardin de l'Étoile, Abhishek's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He didn't understand why he was feeling so nervous.

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